Torn between two churches

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No problem with that. In Calgary we attended evening services once or twice a month at a Presbyterian church while I was doing ministry at other churches or we were attending United Churches. My last year in Calgary I mostly attended a Presbyterian church that was the first Presbyterian church to be a welcoming or inclusive church. I even led a bible study there. My dream for churches in cities was that people would feel free to attend worship in one orire churches while participating in activities at other churches. I would like people to truly feel like members of the universal church.
In the days of the old Scarborough Presbytery the idea of a Regional Church was tossed around. The idea was that not every congregation needed to offer everything. It never got off the ground though.
I like the universal church idea a lot. I feel there is a possessive nature when it comes to churches: people become very attached to 'their' church. Right now, many of our local congregations are too small to really develop either a sense of community or purpose. To join in some way, for example, by offering different things intentionally, might help grow that sense of community. Our local churches will get together to explore various options and I will be interested to see what they come up with.
Some healing has happened, so I may return to my home church. (I'm secretary, in the choir, on the Board, Council rep, lay worship leader). However, I am very aware of the unhealthy practices that led to my raised blood pressure. There is another church in town that I watch on line and I am impressed by the inspiring, meaningful, heartfelt sermons, as well as their mission in the community. They also do things according to the guidelines of the governing church which our church seems to take pride in flouting. I think I may go this other church once a month, and become somewhat involved. made a decision for one church, and I seem to be leaning towards two. Interesting times.
So...I'm working on church statistics right now which has me wondering: If you go to two churches, like I am thinking of doing....I am counted twice in the United Church: once as a member, and once as an adherent.
The biggest problem with two church homes is having to make a decision every Sunday morning.

Theoretically I guess we make a decision every week whether to go or not.

In my experience it becomes like being on autopilot when I am only attending one church on a regular basis.
In my experience it becomes like being on autopilot when I am only attending one church on a regular basis.

Yes, I only deliberately miss one service a year - the Remembrance Day one. Most Sunday mornings, and Wednesday mornings, that's where I am (and I'm 'virtually' there on Tuesday evenings). Didn't go to Christmas Day service this year as I was responsible for a mid-afternoon turkey dinner, but that's a once every seven years excuse.
The next time Christmas falls on a Sunday will be in eleven years. I think it usually happens 4 times in 28 years. It's not every 7 though due to the Leap Year factor..

There's a pattern to it which I have forgotten at the moment. The next century year (2100) might shift things a bit. It will not be a leap year.

2000 was a leap year because it was a century year divisible by 400.

I might have too much time on my hands today. :oops:
Well -- went to the not-my-usual church today and loved it! The sermon, music and friendliness made me feel very comfortable and worshipful. Sadly, the numbers were probably less than 40 people in all...about what we have at my regular place of worship. Interestingly, the service didn't deviate much from a typical worship service, but it seemed very fresh to me. Different voices delivered announcements, and scripture reading. The minister talked about a recent Moderator post. The sermon was realistic yet inspiring, and not filled with strung together jokes like some ministers seem to be resorting to. It is a downtown church that does dinners for some who live in the neighbourhood. I've volunteered to help and my son said...But Mom, isn't that how things start to fall apart? When you volunteer a lot? I said....No, I've volunteered for decades; it's when people become thoughtless or even cruel that it falls apart for me! But, sitting in church today, I realized that the recent incidents at my usual church are freeing me to look for what really matters to me.

I hope you felt comfort in your decision today too, @paradox3 .
filled with strung together jokes like some ministers seem to be resorting to
Huh? Ministers now think they are standup comedians? Haven't seen that yet. Certainly not what I look for a preacher.
Mendalla....As a writer, you would have appreciated this sermon, I think. I like interesting words, and words that make you think because they aren't routine or expected.

And yes, there is a tendency by a couple to do joke(s), often ones we've heard before, but some congregations seem to like that. Which is okay....just not for me when the joke becomes the thing that gets the most attention.
Mendalla....As a writer, you would have appreciated this sermon, I think. I like interesting words, and words that make you think because they aren't routine or expected.
We are talking about going to a church but almost need to start church hunting all over. There's been leadership turnovers and other changes at all of the churches we've tried in the past.
Which is okay....just not for me when the joke becomes the thing that gets the most attention.
A joke in a sermon (or lecture, or speech) is fine, but it is best if it somehow fits with or contributes to the theme/idea. I use humour in sermons but sparingly and on point. More often, my sense of humour shows up in things like introducing hymns or presenting the announcements or something.
@Nancy gentle thoughts as you make choices.

I am not attending church now.

I went for a walk with a group today, many of which belong to a little united church by me

They have coffee after walking at the church and all are invited

Told my husband and he said " did they ask you to be board chair". In jest, but if I do go to church, I will be gun shy re volunteering
I am thinking I shouldn't go to church as these folk don't like observation as I regard them as something to be observed to understand the Hoo mon body of evidence as they practice judgemental inhumanity! Thus it reacts ... a kind of synaptic item of curiosity ...
I am generally known as the technology possessed. If something can go wrong on my technology/computer watch, it will, and I will react not very helpfully.