The Invisible Enemy

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I am glad there are good treatments for itching caused by eczema and poison ivy, strong cortisones especially. I am also glad the itching caused by fly bites and jellyfish only lasts a couple of days. Until I got the cortisone meds, the itching can see by eczema made many of my days for a few months very unpleasant. The first two days with the poison ivy itching were terribly miserable. I am not sure I would have been able to endure even a month of what I experienced at the time.
They help but certainly don't take it away totally and can take days to kick in.
With the eczema, I only use the strong topical steroid for about one to two days for a flare. For the poison ivy, I used an oral steroid for about a week and the topical for about two weeks. It does usually take a day to start working.
The topicals all have other stuff in this is part of the problem, can react to those although I haven't cut them out completely, it's just a bit of a confusing mess. The injections take a while but do seem to cut off the systemic reactions.