Supported web browsers

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Happy headbanging ape!!
With the release of the new Microsoft Edge yesterday, I will offer full support for the following browsers:
  • Microsoft Edge, provided you are on the new version (icon looks like this: 1579188725731.png)
  • Google Chrome
  • Mozilla Firefox
I will also support Apple Safari as best I can, but I am not an Apple person and do not have any Apple devices to troubleshoot on. Safari issues will likely get escalated to Xenforo support.

Internet Explorer is now a "dead" browser and my standard response for it will be to tell you to switch to a supported browser. Xenforo, our software supplier, has dropped support for IE so the software cannot be guaranteed to work reliably in it anymore. All of the supported browsers are are available on both Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 so there is no reason to keep using IE at this point.

If you are on Windows 7, the browser is the least of your problems. Windows 7 went out of extended support yesterday and you need to upgrade (or switch to Apple, I guess) soon as there will be no fixes of any kind, including security, going forward. That said, all of the supported browsers above work on 7 (though Google has said they will stop supported Chrome on Windows 7 in June of 2021) so, again, IE should be avoided.
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On another matter, for some reason I can't get Wondercafe2 on Explorer -just Firefox?

Internet Explorer is officially history now that Microsoft finally got Edge right. Xenforo (the software we use) officially stopped supporting Internet Explorer a few patches ago. Stick with Firefox or, better yet, get either Microsoft Edge Chromium or Google Chrome. Not only will your online experience be better, you will be safer. Internet Explorer was a security nightmare to begin with. Now that it is unsupported....* shudders *
Internet Explorer is officially history now that Microsoft finally got Edge right. Xenforo (the software we use) officially stopped supporting Internet Explorer a few patches ago. Stick with Firefox or, better yet, get either Microsoft Edge Chromium or Google Chrome. Not only will your online experience be better, you will be safer. Internet Explorer was a security nightmare to begin with. Now that it is unsupported....* shudders *
I have to double check, I think my work computer actually has some version of Explorer.
Yeah, Internet Explorer 11. I think it's in a combo with some other services.
It is still included in Windows 10 for compatibility with old web apps that need it but it should only be used if you need that compatibility. Otherwise, a modern, up to date, browser is to be preferred.
It is still included in Windows 10 for compatibility with old web apps that need it but it should only be used if you need that compatibility. Otherwise, a modern, up to date, browser is to be preferred.
Yeah, I just use it with all the preloaded bookmarks for work specific stuff.
I posted this in Tips & Techniques a while ago.

I posted this in Tips & Techniques a while ago.

Gotcha! It's Explorer with Windows 8.1 -just odd that it happened yesterday. With lockdown etc it may be a while till I can get a better laptop -with Windows Edge.
Just a quick update on this. The list in the original post still stands. You are welcome to use other up-to-date browsers, esp. ones like Brave and Samsung Internet that use the same Chromium engine as Chrome and Edge, but I will still only promise support for that list.

Internet Explorer has finally disappeared in both Windows 10 and 11, replaced by a compatibility mode in Edge that supports sites still inexplicably using IE-specific coding.