Happy headbanging ape!!
- Pronouns
- He/Him/His
With the release of the new Microsoft Edge yesterday, I will offer full support for the following browsers:
Internet Explorer is now a "dead" browser and my standard response for it will be to tell you to switch to a supported browser. Xenforo, our software supplier, has dropped support for IE so the software cannot be guaranteed to work reliably in it anymore. All of the supported browsers are are available on both Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 so there is no reason to keep using IE at this point.
If you are on Windows 7, the browser is the least of your problems. Windows 7 went out of extended support yesterday and you need to upgrade (or switch to Apple, I guess) soon as there will be no fixes of any kind, including security, going forward. That said, all of the supported browsers above work on 7 (though Google has said they will stop supported Chrome on Windows 7 in June of 2021) so, again, IE should be avoided.
- Microsoft Edge, provided you are on the new version (icon looks like this:
- Google Chrome
- Mozilla Firefox
Internet Explorer is now a "dead" browser and my standard response for it will be to tell you to switch to a supported browser. Xenforo, our software supplier, has dropped support for IE so the software cannot be guaranteed to work reliably in it anymore. All of the supported browsers are are available on both Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 so there is no reason to keep using IE at this point.
If you are on Windows 7, the browser is the least of your problems. Windows 7 went out of extended support yesterday and you need to upgrade (or switch to Apple, I guess) soon as there will be no fixes of any kind, including security, going forward. That said, all of the supported browsers above work on 7 (though Google has said they will stop supported Chrome on Windows 7 in June of 2021) so, again, IE should be avoided.
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