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I worked as an ice cream scooper back in my teens.
Place had great ice cream.
Couldn't work there. I'd be sneaking samples all the time. We have a Baskin Robbins near our place. Scooping seems to be a good workout.
The one that I could not figure out people liking was tiger tail.
Somehow to me the bittersweetness of the black licorice ribbon is just the perfect completion to the sweetness of the orange ice cream. I guess it could be that I don't like much sweet flavor.
rum n' raisin was a close second in my "least favourite" ice creams
The flavour I've tried that I've liked the least is Grapenut
Be able to hand it over to God.
I totally think of handing an unresolvable (by me) challenge to the Universe. As in "Universe, I have done what I can, do as you will". I make an effort to do the things the medical pros tell me to. Beyond that, what the Universe hands me, I'd like to respond gracefully. I think we are same thought, different words, right now?
I totally think of handing an unresolvable (by me) challenge to the Universe. As in "Universe, I have done what I can, do as you will". I make an effort to do the things the medical pros tell me to. Beyond that, what the Universe hands me, I'd like to respond gracefully. I think we are same thought, different words, right now?
hmm, i don't think of it as the universe handing it to me. It is just chaos, random generation, cells dividing, s**t luck, and sometimes, random errors on my part or someone elses.
Why did I fall down those stairs, and not break an arm? carelessness and s**t luck.
Why did my friend die of pancreatic cancer and another friend is getting amazing treatments for it..and doing well... a couple years difference in technology, the luck of your doctor being clever, the luck of having friends who you share, and know how to advocate, plus genes, s**t luck

so...yeah, offering up things to the universe, and no being handed things by the universe. it's just life.
Good Friday morning! Snow, from skiff to deep, Chelsea buns, scans, interventionist deities and ice cream! We covered a lot of things yesterday, and certainly new topics will appear today! Seldom a dull moment here in the Room.
Anyway, coffee is ready, tea water boiling, and Chelsea buns are still available. Let us keep the conversation and support going! All is ready, and anyone is welcome. Drop in when you can and join the chatter.

C(_)/ c(_) c\_/ c[_]
Light dusting here today. And still some very light flurries happening. Still feels more late Fall than Winter but that might change as the weekend wears on. I am as ready as I can be, I guess. Man, in a month, Christmas is over and New Year's will be looming. Where did that year go?
A man looked into my head yesterday ... saw cataracts ... nothing more just dark in ere ... isn't that stupid?

Does give me an urge to understand why so many religious groups have told me understanding (intelligence) is evil ... is it a stand alone effort?

Thus the arrival of 1 in the great nothing that's O! Oi (oye) that's how it goes ... in what's kind 've abstract ... the shaded portion of psyche?

There one may find all and more than you wished to know ...

Then I guess I walk a different pathE than those on rote function ... Rhode out ... or Rodin? Artiste ... how things to connect and relate ... as Einstein predicted ... they all come to, after the alter period deficient in WOKE? Thus the sun Dae morning come on ... ineffable what's behind it! But to lai/Lei/whatever is significant to avoid virtue ... truth cannot be Bourn well in a domain of folly ... many flaws ... its human ... an unforgiving it incarnates!

Many grasp most slip, or steal away ... done gone ...
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God and the universe joined forces to dump snow on us lately. We got a whole winter’s worth last night and it refuses to stop. My daughter, half an hour away in Michigan, says…We didn’t get any snow last night. Of course not— We got it all!
Yeah, not sure where you are but they said Central Ontario would get hammered. We might get more but the worst seems to be staying North of here.
Those are such fun, eh.:rolleyes: Coming up on three years since I got mine out.

Going on 7 years since the first referral ... first 2 referrals went astray ... the 3rd run I was turned down as a candidate for some reason none of my medical folk could understand ... even tho' the cataract in one eye was excessive ... indicating that few really care ... some with heart condition ... no info on what has passed inspection without observation ... blind science?

Conversations with associates in the medical-neural-psyche field are depressing about how few PRO's can make connections in symptoms ... logic and logos missing? Not a word now ... dead quiet for fear of who will carry blame ... they tell me "no one is responsible" ... mull that phrase ova ...

Well, it did take a load off! The last generations said they wished their kids to get everything and not have to do much ... guess wha'? Pour Qua ... qua is said to be a poor question ... then there is syn qua non ... essential that folk don't know as displaced! There goes another bunch ... poorly understanding or poorly MS Understood as a shadow of whatever ... stray Ere?
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Yeah, not sure where you are but they said Central Ontario would get hammered. We might get more but the worst seems to be staying North of here.

I just saw a photo from our friend LBMuskoka. They got a dump. We're having cooler temps here. So far, no snow. There is snow on the higher elevations.