Room For All

Welcome to Wondercafe2!

A community where we discuss, share, and have some fun together. Join today and become a part of it!

Have fun Jayne.

I don't mind writing a speech, but delivery is not fun yet. In theory, it should be, but, anxiety public speaking is part of what I am working to get past.
In addition, there are assignments, and then evaluations. (There is training that is done for each level / section, as well. My next one is on vocal variety or body language. I have chosen a storytelling of a time at US customs, which I wrote about 10 years ago. I hope that i can use that story to practice vocal variety and maybe throw in a bit of body language.
I was in ITC which was originally Toastmistress. I learned a ton from being part of that organization. I loved the way we were taught and the opportunities to stretch our comfort zones. It really helped me to be more comfortable speaking in front of a group. I hope it helps you as well.
Toastmasters is a good organization. I was in a chapter for a couple of years. It met in the administration building at the Edmonton penitentiary.
I'm on hold cancelling my Shaw Internet. I'm done with them. They will not budge on the requirement to sign up for autopay for suspending the account for the summer.
I should be celebrating, as the paperwork was just signed to put our previous home on the market.
I'm not, as it is going for significantly less than it would have had the home been listed when we moved as the market was hot, and offers were going significantly over asking.

Oh well. Fingers crossed that we have priced it correctly, and that someone sees what we saw in that house for so many years.
It has beautiful wood, and style of a 1920's two story, center hall plan.
Your old house was lovely. It reminded me of my favourite great aunt and uncle's house in Toronto. Their house was the same vintage. Good luck.
Good morning! Toastmaster speeches, real estate concerns, Yellowstone Park, telecom company struggles, and all the other things that rise up, we bring them with us to the Coffee Cart in the Room, to converse and congratulate and to commiserate. The hot beverages are ready, the baked goodies are available; come in and join the chat as you have a chance. All are welcome.

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Imagine housing markets, hot water stews and supporting inflation so as to grow Erin ... NU ess lye ... said to be nothing (that is socially preservative)!

Social preservation appears to be nothing of this world ... perhaps across the line or a vale d ... many powers believe there is nothing abstract! Thus destruction presents as the way out ... temples descend ... like safe on yur headman ... covered ... he*don what! To rejuvenate these must gather ... reason as yet unknown ... get ide! No end to some of the stuff ... everybody ... back on your heads ... get a leg up ... like Y ... something in your head ... alternately you could be out of it ... BPD! Line walking ... wobbles are acceptable ...
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Good morning! How are we all this morning? Time to rise and shine, drink coffee or tea, and meet in the Room around the Coffee Cart, for conversations about houses for sale, and places to see. Plus whatever else happens or comes to mind today. Here is a safe place for your thoughts. All are welcome, all is ready. Come join in!

C(_)/ c(_) c\_/ c[_]
A time for further bouncing as the light is refused and reflects as rethought! Tonight the same old things as the constant darkness settling down beside meis ... meis'ole ... that tiny abstract portal of OCH King ware! Behind it the desire of AD continuum ... it goes on ... nihilism as nailed or onyx'd? Hone ET ... redact the point ...

Is there an option? Consider that life is rough and competitive ... Ra Ugh ... shots off as flash ... in some stories as flash M'N racing cricket ... for the bat mu's ... fixed shuns to be unraveled ... nothing left but word ... debated by righ TU's ... as they demand being isolated from social orders ... causing wrinkles in the constant out there Cos Amos? It is messy ... mystery loves messes thus the conditions encountered in relations ... Fu'd Feđes ... blown as flew ide ... as one philosopher declared all is chaos ... just because of what/wad divides the house ... wadis (crack in the Earth)? Folk argue about thing they don't know about ... yet declare: "you shouldn't know!" Thus departure of all our wits ... abstract ground zero ...
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Oh, wow, does this include a large greenhouse?
There were originally 4 large greenhouses on the property. It still has the shells and glass, but would require work.

It wasn't running when we bought.

My husband had invested to get them going but...the market and his interest shifted and the business never reopened
It's a beautiful house Jayne. Did the agent mention the average time houses are on the market in Cambridge when the price is right?
He said there are about 2 months of inventory on the market. Housing is challenging now due to the interest rates.
Don't worry, everything sells even when there's high interest rates...when you can't change something, the price is adjusted for that.
I'm sure your agent took everything into consideration.
The two houses East of mine are supposed to go on the market this summer, though neither has pulled the trigger yet. Will be interested to see what they ask and how it goes. We aren't moving imminently but once I retire and Little M and his wife start a family, we might want to be closer to them.
yes, fascinating to see what the values are, especially if you have been in the house as longas you have.
That house was the largest on the block - which impacts how much it increases in price compared to others
It is in the core of the city -- which some folks like, and some don't.
As our realtor said when we bought it 30 years ago, if it was three blocks over on the other side of the tracks, it would be worth a lot more.
In addition, there were projects partially done which took away from price. (Guess what, there are again!)
he was right then, and that logic applies now as well.
What it meant though, was that we could afford it.
We loved the eclectic nature of our street, our proximity to a wonderful diverse public school, and as they grew, a high school.
The funky washroom meant it wasn't an issue to have one washroom. It has the toilet in a separate room, sometimes referred to as a water closet.

So, we shall see.
I saw a bear the other day while I was walking my son's dog. It was just a little furry face above the bridge over a creek when I first saw it. Then, I was treated to the rest of the bear as it clambered down the path that the dog and I were headed for. Today, while my husband and I were cutting grass at our shore property, we saw a fawn. We became a little worried because in over two hours, we saw no mother deer. The fawn jumped and ran and hid. And (something like the bear) hid behind something to peek out at us. I'm starting to think that wild animals find me interesting. Anyway, just before we left, the mama deer appeared with her other fawn...twins! Now that I think about it, she was probably having a well-deserved nap while her twins played. As I watched the mother feeding her twins, she kept a close eye on me. At one point she took a few steps towards me. Then she thought better of it and ran away. I really enjoyed seeing both critters (bear and deer) at a distance.