Room For All

Welcome to Wondercafe2!

A community where we discuss, share, and have some fun together. Join today and become a part of it!

Went to Vaudreille-Dorion this morning to do a little bit of shopping and meet our daughter's family for lunch and bring back our granddaughter for a sleepover. Walking from one box store to another, B tripped on the tile paving and did a face plant resulting in two small gouges out of the bridge of her nose, a large scrape on her forehead, and lesser injuries elsewhere. After being treated by paramedics, we headed right back to the hospital in Hawkesbury and cancelled the fun family stuff. Five and a half hours in emergency before being discharged. A rough change to our plans.
Hopefully she is healing well.
Good morning! Sorry to hear of B's fall and family plans cancelled. Hope she is recovering well.
The Coffee Cart is up and running, offering space for conversation and support. Coffee is fresh, tea water boiling, hoodies laid out. Come on in! Allare welcome.

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Good morning all. Thanks for the coffee, Red.
NS has -6 with sunshine, I am heading to Quaker meeting today after skipping it for quite a while, but today there will be a talk before worship by our longest Quaker ( raised a Quaker) about his experience of being a Quaker all his life. ( it’s called 70 years of Quakerism- so I am guessing he is 70). After that I will be Skyping with my sister- good news from my niece, lung cancer has not spread and she will be operated before Christmas and likely will not need chemo or radiation afterwards.
Went to Vaudreille-Dorion this morning to do a little bit of shopping and meet our daughter's family for lunch and bring back our granddaughter for a sleepover. Walking from one box store to another, B tripped on the tile paving and did a face plant resulting in two small gouges out of the bridge of her nose, a large scrape on her forehead, and lesser injuries elsewhere. After being treated by paramedics, we headed right back to the hospital in Hawkesbury and cancelled the fun family stuff. Five and a half hours in emergency before being discharged. A rough change to our plans.
So sorry to hear of B's fall. Hopefully she is recovering okay - no doubt with some lovely raccoon eyes!
The racoon eyes are just starting to form. After a wonderful Chinese meal on Wellington, she is shoe shopping with our daughter and granddaughter.
Good morning! Happy Cyber Monday! For shoe-shopping, for good news of hope for the niece, for all the rest of the thoughts that arise after a busy weekend, we gather round the Coffee Cart, for chat and support, and for hot beverages. All is ready, come join in!

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I must begin a retreat, regress from the known material and folks, as I am getting indications they do not like alien matters what so ever ... atoll!

Thus cast a way's and other prodigal pains to the normal and ordinary! Developing character of out of the head type ... an Arch item of contention?

Imagine it's beyond th*M ... that medium ... if separated become the initial 2Ð Ðitties ... mores? Oh indeed ... crazy is the thing ... conform!

If they discover the difference you will be skewered as intended for sheep ... forming fuzzy spots in the depth of their nights ... these go round as λ rites?

Expect patterns to evolve as wrinkles in the Cos Moes ... what's Moe? That's another myth done lost in the east-west struggle ... in the end relief as an ithch ah? 7 AN's ...

How deep is the itch? You have no idea ... its a dark spot ... where you can lose yourself ... orchid-like ... hanging roots ... little grasp ...

Armed chair in the corner????
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Every Monday is Cyber Monday when you work in IT!! (minus the constant bombardment of sales flyers, of course)

Good morning. Got some yard work done and the garage rearranged so once we get rid of some yard waste bags (next week) I can get my car in.

*pours a tea and stretches out in a chair in the corner*

Got some time to fill up before work starts. :giggle: :coffee:
Well, the heron has been a busy beaver today. Sent Lucy off with dog walker, finished folding and sorting and bringing laundry upstairs, meditated for 25 minutes, threw on some clothes, grabbed laundry and drove over to the big guy's, and started the morning off right, then was caffeinated and fed. Sorted a drawer for him, put away laundry, then came home to put in fundraising Christmas chocolate order (only 10 hours past the deadline, LOL). Now, sitting back contemplating the rest of the day with a cup of rose green tea.
Hey @BetteTheRed
Think you could take a look at the Five Gospels and report back on the sheep and goats parable?

I am wondering if the words attributed to Jesus are even authentic. I am okay with the inasmuch statements. (Isn't that a wonderful word?) Really wondering about some of the Gods judgment stuff.

Always good to be on top of the laundry by the way.
Well, the heron has been a busy beaver today. Sent Lucy off with dog walker, finished folding and sorting and bringing laundry upstairs, meditated for 25 minutes, threw on some clothes, grabbed laundry and drove over to the big guy's, and started the morning off right, then was caffeinated and fed. Sorted a drawer for him, put away laundry, then came home to put in fundraising Christmas chocolate order (only 10 hours past the deadline, LOL). Now, sitting back contemplating the rest of the day with a cup of rose green tea.

Meditation; I was told that was too much like thinking processes and thus bad for doing things that you wished because it set the conscience free ... diabolical inhibition to the heart?

Authentical powers in some regions just say grap what you want and dash ... like Putin ism it invades the innards ...
I listen to one of two favorite morning meditations from Youtube almost every day. My real favorite is an Aussie fellow with a very soothing accent doing a morning meditation to clear chakras and release negativity. It starts my day in a good way, and sometimes helps to reduce the tension build up from various interactions during the day.
Good morning! From laundry to The Five Gospels, from meditation to Cyber Monday to Giving Tuesday, and a lot of other things, we gather to begin to unravel it here in the Room around the Coffee Cart. Come join in the chat, find and offer support, and have a mug or cup of the hot beverage of your choice. All is ready and waiting.

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Good morning! From laundry to The Five Gospels, from meditation to Cyber Monday to Giving Tuesday, and a lot of other things, we gather to begin to unravel it here in the Room around the Coffee Cart. Come join in the chat, find and offer support, and have a mug or cup of the hot beverage of your choice. All is ready and waiting.

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Remember the Ba'aL contains a long chord ... unspeakable when cranked?
It's been a lovely fall, been enjoying the warm temperatures. Not looking forward to a drop this week, but it was bound to happen at some point!