Revisiting The Vaccine

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We should have a postpandemic* thread as well?
Since it seems we are in endemicland now
Or this one could be it?
*as both diverse people as POTUS Biden and Rev Dr. Michael Blair have said.
I don't think that "mistakes" have been made re public health measures but that science has evolved as we gained knowledge of the virus, which then resulted in changing recommendations. I think in general we/public health officials etc have done the best they could based on available knowledge, shfiting as knowledge emerged. Some viewed that as 'mistakes' but I do not. For that reason, I was not an early mask/gloves wearer, tending toward heeding keep a distance & maintain hand hygiene routines. But over time, that of course shifted. Never did get on the 'gloves', wash all your groceries bandwagon tho as some did. But if doing so made others feel more comfortable, well all grace to them.
Some of it was learn as we go. I think mistake came in with knowing cases were increased and easing off on some things anyway. App tracer - some mistakes there. Etc.

I was an earlier mask wearer - was requested but not required at a clinic and I did so some other locations with people likely to be more at risk that I was. Gloves, didn't really do any extra than normal, which wasn't nothing. Groceries, some of them not all. I was very thankful when that was discovered to not be a big mode of transmission. I am still more careful with hand washing/sanitizing than I used to be. I used to be relatively good with that before, but I almost always have one with me when out now, whereas before it was sure, there's a bottle in my purse, but not also in my car. The masking is a part of that though. In general touching public touch points and then my mask doesn't seem like a great idea - not just COVID.
Some of it was learn as we go. I think mistake came in with knowing cases were increased and easing off on some things anyway. App tracer - some mistakes there. Etc.

I was an earlier mask wearer - was requested but not required at a clinic and I did so some other locations with people likely to be more at risk that I was. Gloves, didn't really do any extra than normal, which wasn't nothing. Groceries, some of them not all. I was very thankful when that was discovered to not be a big mode of transmission. I am still more careful with hand washing/sanitizing than I used to be. I used to be relatively good with that before, but I almost always have one with me when out now, whereas before it was sure, there's a bottle in my purse, but not also in my car. The masking is a part of that though. In general touching public touch points and then my mask doesn't seem like a great idea - not just COVID.
I guess mistake may not be the right word. Purposefully neglectful?
What is the oblivion we live in?

Funny thing is most are oblivious because they don't wish to see or know anything and then many mistakes are made due to items and idiopathy that are deficient in their ideology that goes nowhere ... it moralises itself ...

I had my last gene therapy jab on 18th...

Interesting side effect I am noticing: tiredness. Esp in the arms lol

Not debilitating. But weird.

My bro is waiting until he gets settled in his new home in Aotearoa. What a Nomad.
I know of the AOta ... is that terra out there as matters for the psyche? Thoughts need to go somewhere once denied by the powers of polity ... tis not medium ... but transverse ... as the thing rises from the inkei ... essence of thought ghost by ... so that they cannot ender the unconscious portion as irrationally dangerous ... like a raebid hole ... WiKi 'd thing of the en Dore NG essence ... a stinking thought? maybe RV -ing sense? The vast traveller of species ... as spatial ... imagine anima -ism! If we didn't we critters wouldn't be ... held to the unspeakable breast of Earth ... as mire items ... worms in the sight of gods ... thus Kahns (once known as an inn). Thus Inniskillin ... or an Icey whine ... hounding the Baskervilles!

There's an unknown hidden in there somewhere ... just to add to the way we wished it ... defunct of Sophia?

Said to be stupid like the walking dead that are unaware ... a DJT instance?
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Another Opinion:

COVID Science is Moving Backwards-The Atlantic
A big thing that hasn't gotten enough attention is long covid.
I agree with policies that take into account myocarditis from the vaccines. That is something that people do seem to recover from. That risk should be compared to the risks that come from covid, not just the risk of dying.
I suspect that Covid attitudes are different in Canada compared to here in Washington State. I received the 2 Pfizer shots. Right after my 2nd shot all the gossip was about the driver who ran over the care worker after he received his shot, badly injuring him. So no one else wanted to take the vaccine. I called our local paper and learned that a driver's reaction did cause him to hit a care worker after getting the vaccine, but the care worker didn't need hospitalization. I got the first booster and my friends reacted like I was nuts for doing so. I know of no one else around here who got boosted.
It is unfortunate when diseases get politicized and used for other agendas. Our niece and her family in Washington state, near Blaine, are not vaccinated and risked losing their teaching jobs. They are also Trump supporters. She is Canadian.
All stress and dis ease is controversial as some use it to advanage in the winning ... and many of you know the option though you might deny it ...

Checks and balances??? The poles are trying to do that in to prove the martyrdom of humanity ... sacrifice everything to win ...

In the life force is there a chance of winning when you lose the comprehension thereof in a dark nebulous Theo Rah ... that cloud that Moses dipped in and out of ... and his people wouldn't go there ...

We are conditioned not to accept the sense of creation when the creature is present ... thus we all go down in the eternal story!
It is unfortunate when diseases get politicized and used for other agendas. Our niece and her family in Washington state, near Blaine, are not vaccinated and risked losing their teaching jobs. They are also Trump supporters. She is Canadian.
After I got my first Pfizer jab, I felt an urge to go into a friend's office to tell him where the drive-thru vaccine was available in the hope that he and his wife would get vaccinated. He ridiculed the idea, so I quickly dropped the subject. Within a couple of months his wife was dead from Covid!
After I got my first Pfizer jab, I felt an urge to go into a friend's office to tell him where the drive-thru vaccine was available in the hope that he and his wife would get vaccinated. He ridiculed the idea, so I quickly dropped the subject. Within a couple of months his wife was dead from Covid!
A story we hear way too often, eh. I should have had my fourth earlier but got the bug in July so had to wait at least three months after that subsided.
As Mendalla wrote there are many people who refused to be vaccinated and died including some major influencers. Unfortunately their deaths did not change the most NDS of very many of their followers. As one of the articles that had links provided for us stayed, influencers on all sides were to blame. The medical authorities promoting vaccination failed to provide all the data including positive and negative, allowing the conspiracy promoters to distort the negative information.
As Mendalla wrote there are many people who refused to be vaccinated and died including some major influencers.
Really, I was just responding to what Mystic wrote, but whatever

The medical authorities promoting vaccination failed to provide all the data including positive and negative, allowing the conspiracy promoters to distort the negative information.
The medical community needs a health-focussed marketing/communications team that vets every single press release put out about whatever the big health issue of the day is. All too often, there's an assumption that putting out your peer-reviewed paper(s) and maybe a press release about the paper is enough but, fact is, most journalists don't understand it. You need some good medical/science journalists working with the medical community to communicate things in plain English and make it clear what they know and what they don't. You can no longer trust the press to do that properly with a few exceptions (Andre Picard at the Globe is fairly good, as is Brian Goldman on CBC).
FYI, a lot of fields of science have this problem. You get these big overhyped stories about some discovery or other and it turns out that it is neither as big nor as weird as the press makes it out to be. That's why I use science-focussed media like Scientific American or the SciShow channels on Youtube for my science news rather than relying on MSM or similar. They specialize in science journalism so understand how science works and how to put in the effort to get the story right.