I'm not sure that you can name that someone is resilient without engaging.
I do remember someone walking me through a situation, and discussing resiliency. It was a good conversation, and it helped me to grasp where i was not functioning well, and where i was, and times when i had functioned well, or had after a period of time. It led to conversations about what was different about this situation, that was blocking my ability to bounce back or move on.
I have had folks say that my resilience to issues/challenges in the workplace are part of the key to my success. I am good with that kind of evaluation, in part, as it is done in a way that allows for conversation, such as...why, what do i lean on, what have i learned.
Ditto re faith:
I would never say "god saved me in ____ situation".
I understand that there are those for whom their faith says "God saved me in ____ situation". They can say it about themselves. I am unlikely to engage with them, just walk away, unless we are in a situation where i can ask probing questions, such as why do you think they didn't save ______".
I can explore why they find comfort in that belief. I can also share why it doesn't bring me comfort.
Neither is right nor wrong.
I, like many here, have likely had many a comment said by people, who were using their belief system to provide comfort "god needed another angel" or "god only gives you what you can carry" or even worse "you didn't pray hard enough"
Issue with that: it wasn't my belief system
Issue with that: they had no frickin' clue how i was coping or what i was thinking
so many more issue, including really, wtf...are you an idjot
There are great guides on how to help someone in trouble, including what i think a wondercafe person here has expressed. Can i get you a coffee?