Religious Group Question

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Delightful Life

M&M, Cascadian Lovers

So we have names for groups

A colony of ants

A swarm of bees

A kvetch of Progressives ;p

I like coming up with new concepts

I have tried to come up with some for Christians

A Church of Christians?
A Bride?
A Sacrifice?

Currently I like a Serving. We are Servants, like Jesus is. And the pun of a Serving of nummyness :3

How aboot y'all? What say you? Ideas?
It is said that it is best to be mute ... thus we move in that direction as Shiva! You can almost feel the penetration ...
Don't we kind of have them already?

Congregation for a local group.

Denomination for a grouping of those local groups, usually along theological or praxis lines.

Church meaning the whole of Christianity (though it is also something used as a synonym for "congregation" since we call the building a church)
Don't we kind of have them already?

Congregation for a local group.

Denomination for a grouping of those local groups, usually along theological or praxis lines.

Church meaning the whole of Christianity (though it is also something used as a synonym for "congregation" since we call the building a church)

And much of them all shut up except when outside the facility ... facilitating!
Don't we kind of have them already?

Congregation for a local group.

Denomination for a grouping of those local groups, usually along theological or praxis lines.

Church meaning the whole of Christianity (though it is also something used as a synonym for "congregation" since we call the building a church)
An Uncertainty of United Churchians?

An Openness of UUites?

A Flower Arrangers of Episcopaleans?

A Standing of EO?
Christians anonymous???? As they do not wish to be known because of what the brotherhood has done to them!

Happens in all unions as one tries to out do the other and thus done on as the HS Folly! Relief comes when released from the pithy of life ...

It may be some kind of joust that is beyond normal ...