Happy headbanging ape!!
- Pronouns
- He/Him/His
We have now added the ability for you to specify which pronouns should be used to refer to you. This is becoming common as our society moves to accept non-binary, gender fluid, and other gender identities beyond male and female. We ask that you note the pronouns that appear in people's profile to the left of their messages and use the ones that are specified. We will not be enforcing this rigidly, mistakes happen after all, but if there is a clear case of someone being harassed through refusal to use their pronouns, action could be taken under Rule 1 (Treat others with courtesy and respect) and/or Rule 3 (Do not harass other members).
New registrations will be required to add their pronouns going forward.
Existing users do not have to add them unless you edit your profile, in which case it will request that you add them before saving. However, we would encourage the practice as it is a welcoming one for those who do need to specify them.
There is a thread for discussing this in WC2 News & Business so I am locking this one.
New registrations will be required to add their pronouns going forward.
Existing users do not have to add them unless you edit your profile, in which case it will request that you add them before saving. However, we would encourage the practice as it is a welcoming one for those who do need to specify them.
There is a thread for discussing this in WC2 News & Business so I am locking this one.