Post-upgrade questions

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Happy headbanging ape!!
Have questions about the new version that aren't answers by my upcoming features posts in Council News & Business? Drop them here.

Things that are obvious problems, like error messages, should go in Post-Upgrade Issues.

It seems that only in the specialty forum guest speaker section ( where you can’t like something) there is a little checkmark box on the left side of each comment. When tou check it it asks what do do with it. I am not sure what this does, doesn’t seem to do anything?
It seems that only in the specialty forum guest speaker section ( where you can’t like something) there is a little checkmark box on the left side of each comment. When tou check it it asks what do do with it. I am not sure what this does, doesn’t seem to do anything?

The one circled below? You shouldn't see that. It's a mod tool. I'll have to look at the setup of the security for Guest Speakers.


Or is it this one, which is the same problem:

Not a question but just an observation. I have noticed that the number of views on a thread rounds off after 1,000.
The second one.

Yeah, I tried under my test account (which allows me to move amongst you in the guise of a mere mortal:cool:) and I see what you mean. You can't actually do anything with the items you select, which is good, but I am not sure why you even have the select box.
Does tagging work differently here? @Mendalla

The underlining that we used to have doesn't seem to happen.

Okay I changed the appearance of links, which includes tagged usernames, to a different colour and put the underlining back on. Hopefully that makes them stand out better.
Weird. Haven't noticed that yet myself. Likely a bug in Xenporta, the add-on that drives the home page. I shall investigate.