Positive things from this summer

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Well-Known Member

i read this week a first person article about how the neighborhood children have enjoyed unscheduled free time this summer. No camps. No activities. Just kids riding bikes Like we did in the 60’s. Be home for dinner

thats a nice thing

also the number of people who have tried out camping and hiking this summer. Granted sometimes with less than optimal success but people exploring the outdoors is a good thing

massive increase in the purchasing of bikes this summer. A good thing

it was hard to get gardening supplies as everyone tried gardening. A good thing

hard to buy flour initially as people at home decided to take up baking. A good thing

less gasoline purchases as we actually had no where to go. A good thing

less smog around the world as less planes flew. A good thing

what other positives have you experienced or seen
People being more considerate and generous.
Rediscovering sewing and knitting and tinkering around the house.
Doctor loaded me up with steroids ... now I feel stimulated ... or that's the way I think! Could be stigmata to another person ...

Is that an alien thunk process ... whereas in Latin icons "th" shares some phonetic equivalence with "đ" and "chi" that alternate sol ... the lighter of the deux souls ... could be the missing you's! (having differentiated genre and plurality in the sense of you's-less-noos). Noos bean denied in paranoia!

Some celebrity folks say bad noos is something best ignored or not part of their process as partially devoid ... considering the hedonist desire for naivete ... and thus thought goes ... an alternate path*ah?
More quiet - less machine noise - traffic, planes in the air etc replaced by sounds of nature, kids playing.
-- quarantine time with our grandson from the States
-- more time to spend at the shore property
-- filming church services on a day other than Sunday so Sunday could be spent at the shore
-- watching church services from different churches
-- learning to zoom, facetime and do e-transfers
--quitting a toxic volunteer situation
Are NU things from us (nous) disruptive to the constitutional institution?

That should shatter some roues ...
We had planned to travel to Ontario and visit family and friends. We would have done some exploring along the way. We also planned to visit friends in Kelowna. Instead, we've been in a small quiet park mid-island. We have enjoyed some walks with friends and have explored new areas of the island. We have gotten a lot of rest, and have I've finished a couple projects. I brought out the sewing machine and did some sewing. Some of which brightened our home.

This summer has also been a time for me to adjust to new meds. They knocked me on my butt at times. The dose was reduced and I've just finished my month at the reduced dose. I feel far better and now believe I can return to a normal life that has less medical involvement. I got my port removed last week. (Portacath specifically, used for chemo infusions) That was a milestone that feels great.
Plenty of sunshine, and just enough rain, to enjoy being outdoors. And minimal harsh heatwaves. I only remember a few nights where it was too hot and stuffy to sleep comfortably. And that could've just been me having hot flashes. It was a pretty non-descript Spring/ Summer in terms of summer activities but climate-wise it was nice. It's still nice. It feels like about 21 degrees right now, I'm sitting in the golden hued sun at 5:19 pm.
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A slower pace to life is a good thing

my kids all working from home has meant more time for dogs, making meals together, less take out, less stress, less rushing

and I too love these sunny fall days Kimmio, though it is only 10 here, but sunny and not windy