Polity; Requires Pluralism ...

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Luce NDs

Well-Known Member
If not, what extremes could polity go to in the expression of love as demonstrated on January 6?

Unless there are two kinds of love that would confuse those one-liners that can't figure the difference in all the right kind of rituals and rites that are required to be done according to proper darkness and gamma Eire! Some will sense that remaining aura of being left out ... will the wasted and destroyed rise up as a sea of trash to overcome the winners? Imagine poor white trash working together with all shades of opinions ...

It appears the world was created for chaos and confusion .. so do your best to support the extremes ... it is proper polity! So someone said ... I don't know as I wasn't licensed to do so ... so it boils down to duality in the cheeky sense of the two side of a literary device resembling an ass carrying an unseen message about balanced unity.

Possibly an impossible dream given the tendency to not cooperate in the larger scheme! Thus the de baiting ... and the activists grow ancient and stinky!

Someone even said that protest was acceptable for one extreme and not for the other ... an unbalanced observation? Thus one side will be shot like schism from Canon ... leaving nothing but holes ... and there is a whole sect that doesn't believe that nothing can exist until they are right into it!

Don't tell though as is saved as a sanctified justification ... thus it was wrote as some might consider it literary device and other just so much schism they don't understand.

However there are traditions that claimed that no one should understand dictatorship regard-less ... or we wouldn't accept tyrants unless over excitable. Anybody know anyone that gets overly excitable about being perpetually right? Explains why the left is wasted ... under the rules of disposability!

Glad that's disposed of as an evil intelligence that few wished to be identified for the virtue of what it was ... and still is virtually temporal! Yet, perhaps there was something secluded there in a hidden sacrament ... sanctimoniously! In a world all laid out we wouldn't lie about something rising up would we?

Thus copperplate and grits ... an ancient font that may bring something up that was previously displaced ... possibly from a dog eared page buoyed ...
In the spirit (Ka) of Caduceus there may be two sides to what is currency of understanding where half is out of sight ...

Explains the Dineri Coin! It too can demonstrate chance ... like love coming and going while opposing intelligence ... thus wavering existence!

Are we close to the edge and still do not understand much about complexity in the drive to find simple?

Even theosophy has its ups and downs ... or whatever vector you chose to take off on ... creating tensor human situations than pointed headed gentle folks can consume ...

Adds strength to the mystery that is beyond us as we cannot get a grip of the thing onus ... an abstract? Outbreaks of emotions are a sign of what has already left ... as the fools rush about ... planning a winning war!

Someone asked who actually wins in war? It appears irresolvable given what we now admit to as a known ...

Yet something will likely be repeated over and over in this step of the dark thing called gamma ... she's really ancient and dark as the night sky, or nice guise if you can't see through it! Carry a torch or lamþ ... the last letter there known as a Latin thorn for those wishing to keep much romanticism in the dark! May be a pain in the metaphor ... a form of satyr ...

Homo genetic folk don't know this stuff ... why we are placed here to treat the pathology! Shortly they fall intuit as indigenous as the air gap in endogeneity! You just know something is missing because they don't understand who's losing what! Thus wisdom wears out ... so firmly you can almost observe such science departing ...
Long jokes are out ... thus life comes to an end ... cosmological comedy considering the outcome!

Didn't someone write something on great oddities some time ago?

Life cannot be that serious ... it doesn't last that long ...
Luce, you have more talent at the cryptic crossword than the "joke". Puns RU...

And is not the greatest riddle, biblical, on how to bring down the house ... is a conservative or republican ru's about putting everything back the way it was ... with rich exceptions! Expect the Skye to fall as too far beyond mankind's laws of extension and extermination ... it is essential that some folks will counter something as they attempt bet urn ments ... sometimes rendered as men Za ... and there much alien info collects! The reason remains beyond me and yet there are those that with great esteem will tell you just how everything is!

It is just how it comes down ... yet it does amuse the over sears ... and these too will pass ... as the entire thing stirs and turns! It is not that hard ... just break legs ... a theatric item! Ask long John ... as he stands in depression ... a mine? Perhaps a mimic of something incarnate (appears as not)! That's the essence ...

Many are stonewalled ... they absorb po'lei ... thus poly Anais ... rendered of course to script (icon for recall)! It all goes in the end ... termination? It may go on totally unaware to us ... that's tous!
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Maybe a resolution to the duo Liza ... a spark in a dark brainstorm as contained in the night of sol ... much denied by those eliminating psyche!

Thus the yellow thing ... arising with a red ring ... das aura ...
Can you imagine that Dante's philosophy was so much beyond the religious legality of the time, that it would be declared the devil ... or at least somewhat of a carrier of darker humor?

Realize in some sense of reason much of this is still out there ... possibly forming a high content of where we come from ... if you can accept a little dirt on the holier than thou situation among the tribes ...

It does generate a rib-bending myth ... thus the shell of the cursed thing that may appear as Shoah ... appearing in the end as rudder Eire than usual ...

Remember with human surety there is a red eye at either end of Canaan ... and it could go off! One as cud and the other ... well that's something other ... alternate digestion? There is even a missal called scud ... part and parcel of the given take system ...

Hard ruse may guide us to look beyond mortal folk for answers ... tous all beyond me ... yet many are rigid!

Maybe the solution to the doubled edged sword of written word ... under the principal of having it laid out for future reading when ordinary folk may know better ... tis beyond me ... like that priest saying people claim residence school abuse to allow for the give and take theory!

Thus we must go ... move on? Sometimes hard to grasp ... especially for the hangers ... fruit of the mythical tree?
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If something, anything succeeds ... imagine what becomes waste!

Does this create material for denial for those that lose poorly?

Where do lost thoughts go when misconceived? Imagine a large dark pool to draw from as something subdued or even delightfully seduced as a grief stricken politician!

Is that blood or just an old inkling coming around and into altered vision? If you read Evian the other way does it allow for the naïve as a form of denial? There are indications that naivete indicates something wasn't there prior ... and thus previous denials ...

Be satisfied a bit below the celebrated superficial ... observing what befalls us ... mistakes to learn from! Some will deny that learning alien knowledge is good as it declares that something must come down ... intellectual processing ... evil matters! The result may even be pathological forensics ...

Kind of like reading into a story in which the good and bad may be confused ... resembling life itself! Could be considering how knowledge is religiously denied ... and what always has been cannot be cured! Leads to reconsideration of death of taxes ... and the depth of the deficit grows to support piles!

These may be a pain to the satyr as in bother he slogs along ... his bare following in drag! Maybe a rye image ...
Have you ever encountered alien things in life given the power of all that we do not know due to the rule that knowledge is evil ... and knowledge could change a fundamental conservative?

Now if the collective conscience was not denied ... would some individual, autonomous observers have a better chance at knowing beta or Bertha?

Expect that some tyrannical types do not enter this domain as they are out to lunch ... consuming the same material day after day as a dogs breakfast ... pure regurgitation of what went down before ...

Some indications are that this points to repetition of the same old thing ... and thus insanity! Yet! This too can be denied under total freedom without responsibility of what drops out ... Poo? Off wandering in the Magi Forest with that child ...

Children of gods are sometimes at odds ... thus saying the darnedest things ... leading to retribution! Wait till you gets home ... when a great vast mind gets a grip on the parts in diaspora ... scatter of kinetics? Brownian movement ... over which Lucy presides ... generating misque IHC'ng! May involve vernacular disturbances ... when one doesn't know the archaic word for IT!

Eris ... amounts to how the thing falls into place ... seduction with a splash of inking ... gives rise to sacrament of reading literary devices ... mental process?

The tyrants will declare: "go way with you!"

More to unravel and de-scroll in the scull in place ... heads up! Pragmatically they take off as in hierarchy of flight gliding across the arid page ...
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Dua Dem cruising on a diverse pool ... that accumulating from all that accrued prior! Yet, still denied ... considering the vast cover-up ...

Parsed ... in a tremendous stretch!
Could it be that psyche is a defunct literary device ... because it wouldn't function for some autonomous characters that didn't believe in such essence?

Thus it remains ... out there! Avid and cool in a wasteland of avarice as folk focused on emotional context! Does perhaps lead to loss of balance ... in the concept of Golden Rue as inceptive ... and there the beginning remains ... a' prior item?

Maybe a plaything of gods ... in their own pantheon of hierarchy as accumulated in piles and layers ... like ringers in trees ... time tells! Trees keep appearing even if burning in rage ... over disrespect of their airy processing skills!
In god's perspective is that view multifaceted as a buried sacrament?

This may flash by those with a mortal perspective ... and a massive group will say we mist dite ... due to inadequate reading into the physical attribute ... where gamma was inserted as γ in a separate divination. Thus immaterial presentation is hard for the hierarchy to interpret due to fixations!

Generates aphro dite 's ... small dark things that can bug the dais light out of the glowing crowd .... tiffere? Resembles alien light over the Gay Lilith as aura!

Said suraus was due to the quickness of the fools rushing ... a human flaw! If faced adequately one could grasp the proper void ... yet there is this philosophy that knowledge is evil ... so wee don't know much by decree!

Tis accepted without question in some circles!

Pearl of vast and displaced wisdom! Expect darkness and shadowy functions ... Still in such peace few will believe they know much ... peace be my γ's!

Thus Y's men go ... brain drain ... cereus ... lye!