Pierre Poilievre...What Does He Stand For?

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They were violent.
Ask the people of Ottawa how they felt.
I try not to be racist or ableist etc and don't treat people as a group but rather as individuals

I agree that you are right
And Pierre is right

That is how it works in real life

Not everyone agrees on what is violent
Not everyone thinks that any violence was or wasn't worth it

And that is how it works

You have a lot tied in to the Truckers. Anti Vaxxers. Your TDS. Anti Right Wing. Anti-anti-homophobia. And so on. A whole memeplex of conflating ideas and beliefs. You are a very fascinating creature. And I am glad to have shared a bit of your life.

Hopefully your life won't get even more crazy (I can't see how, after the past few years)

Anywya, sorry for the derail
So what does he stand for?

Sans how any of us might feel aboot him?

What has he accomplished?

What is he good at?

What isn't he good at (again, sans how we feel aboot him)
This is part of the Ottawa People's Commission report on the impact the convoy had on citizens. It was NOT peaceful.
i know you are being political here
(and yes, I was a part of those threads. you don't need to win or point that oot. i know how you feel regarding the Truckers)
you seem to have changed these past few years :( i hope you have gotten some therapy for it. we all could use it.

and why respond to this and not any of my other positive things?

have you been traumatized that much by the past few years?

anyway, again, irrelevant.
nd why respond to this and not any of my other positive things?

have you been traumatized that much by the past few years?

anyway, again, irrelevant.

Please don't be so arrogant, particularly to those on the ground vs your view from the Pacific NW. Not cool, nor is labelling a post relevant to the OP as irrelevant.
Given the distortion and aberration of the Pi (that's reason) imagine to populace swayed by torte lawyers ... when the people don't know what's in the torte ...

Recall intelligence, etc. is not well received ... the myths run deeper!
i know you are being political here
(and yes, I was a part of those threads. you don't need to win or point that oot. i know how you feel regarding the Truckers)
you seem to have changed these past few years :( i hope you have gotten some therapy for it. we all could use it.

and why respond to this and not any of my other positive things?

have you been traumatized that much by the past few years?

anyway, again, irrelevant.
Personal attacks are unnecessary in an argument and usually when someone resorts to that it means "they got nothing". So let's back up our viewpoints with facts related to our viewpoints okay?
I noticed you did not reply to my post. It is not about liking or disliking PP. It is about what he says and does. The same goes for JT. Since this thread is about PP, I will stick with him.

He has heard how many people are hurting and gets it, even if JT does not seem to.

He figured out how to exploit their pain without actually offering them truth or solutions that make any kind of sense.

JT lost a lot of trust over his failure to keep his promise about reforming elections and other broken promises from his first election along with stupid and insensitive decisions regarding holidays. PP used that to blame JT for almost everything wrong in our country, even when his claims were totally bananas. He promotes fear and hate almost continually. He has not offered any real solutions to the problems experienced by young people or by our country.

I learned to distrust politicians unwilling or unable to offer specific policies.
And sorry folx

I am finding this world too casually cruel

Found oot C, who finally found a.place for herself with tent and all whatnot after months of living behind a furniture store, had all that destroyed by two men following bylaws. They destroyed all her work. Now she is homeless again

So all this political fine hair waving over the demarcation problem (oh I remember the silly arguments over BLM being Peceful, Mostly Peaceful, Violent...when a movement is large enough)

So f*** all that noise

f*** it all to the hell it comes from. Including calling people antivaxxers who aren't, or using Right Wing or Left Wing as a derogatory term...

Thoughts are thoughts
Feelings are feelings
Trauma is trauma
Pain is pain
We are ALL antivaxxers (if you grokked what I was getting at)
We are ALL female, brown, white, young, old, right left centre nazis arrogant loving sad etcetcetc

Take care

We are living in a very toxic environment
And we all have to learn how to live in that
What is important
What is optional
Become Ungovernable
Take care of your families
Loved ones

And all of us are going to be judged perfectly

In real humanity brutality is the norm ... anti brutality is something that is superbly out there .. beyond us as the abstract! Some say it is superficial or even facetious to expect ... as you cannot get there from here ... and heretics ... these were declared illegitimate ... maybe because of being born based on a blind love and a short loss of thought!
I acknowledge the pain people are feeling. Not sure what these posts have to do with Polievre.

Anything to do with politics ia brutal as the goal is to win ... at all costs!

Losers go down ... as a core value! This has reciprocal relations in the MIR of mind ...
Poilievre is a relative moderate as the CPC goes today (lets not forget that among those competing against him for the job was a rabid anti-abortion advocate so it could have been worse) but his stances on things like vaccination and COVID closures/quarantines, not mention his open support of the convoy, make him a no-go. And I am not convinced that his "deal with the Devil", ie. winning the leadership support from the party's right wing, isn't going to result in some kind of action on their pet issues as a quid pro quo. If I was a trans or pro-choice activist, I would be out campaigning against the CPC, lets put it that way.

As for him winning in 2025, I think the key to him not doing so would be provoking their right wing to say as many stupid things about how they are doing to use their power when they have a majority as possible. At minimum, that should guarantee that the seat-rich regions of the East and BC turn on them.

Of course, a new Liberal leader would help, too, but I'm uncertain that will happen. It might take losing in 2025 to make Trudeau realize his time is up.
My fav comment so far. Mendalla is so fair :3

This is part of the Ottawa People's Commission report on the impact the convoy had on citizens. It was NOT peaceful.
Good stuff here. This is the same sort of good thing as VAERS database. Ty for reminding me of this wonderful example of the powers of internet, how ordinary folx can communicate

And as always, just like "Was BLM violent" the answer is Yes and No.

Similar to: "Canadians are good". Yes and No.

Like Redbaron showed above, he considers blocking of a bridge a violent act. And he can think that.

What I liked aboot the vid is I knew NOTHING aboot the guy. After that vid, I felt I knew more aboot him.

He will never be Trudeau Jr--he accomplished so much, our Pandemic PM, our War Measures Act enactor, and so forth...

Again, ty for sharing this

And try not to be too afraid? As you can see, Canada hasn't been overthrown, even tho all our Fed Parliament did a standing O for an SS

Feel free to WM me with some whimsey.