National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

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There was a number of events here, but with the Covid numbers I didn't feel comfortable being in a crowd, even outdoors. I did reflect on the experience I had on July 1st this past summer.
My worry is that we will be hearing more from white politicians try to buff their "orange" credentials than indigenous leaders. I would suggest that the likes of Trudeau and O'Toole should keep their yaps shut and just listen. Maybe acknowledge and give thinks for the wisdom given at the end. IOW, is this really a necessary holiday or is it orange-washing.

Personally, I am one of those who wants the day acknowledged, but doubts a stat holiday is the best way to do it. For many, it would just be one more day off. That's largely why Remembrance Day is no longer a holiday. Very few actually bothered to honour veterans or attend services save the veterans themselves so why were we giving people the day off? My office had a brief moment of remembrance today, which probably means people got more at work than they would have with a day at home. Certainly, you could proclaim it in a way that allows those with a reason to take it off (e.g. indigenous workers) to do so, but making it a general holiday for all may not produce the desired results.
I expected better from Trudeau. I guess an election is over though, so he can act extremely hypocritically for a few years.
Trudeau probably should have picked a different day to start a vacation in Tofino...his absence was noticed by many on this important day.
Have patience folks .. he's only a politician ... there are folks that look up to politicians as the only bearers of virtue ... or so they would have you believe ...

This raises questions about separation of governing and church with such BS!