Meanwhile In Canada

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Well-Known Member
I admit, US politics are a much sexier topic at the moment, with precipitous supreme court appointments and a deteriorating train wreck of an election to the south.
I find plenty of surprises and drama to the north though as well.

Like this:

Or this:

Go figure....looks like we don't hate Justin all that much at the least not enough to turf him now. We shall see. He's actually in majority territory if an election were to be held now.

Feel free to vent.
Frankly, I am not crazy about the alternatives so an election strikes me as a pointless exercise right now. Trudeau will probably be returned and if not, we likely get O'Toole who has not exactly blown my mind yet.
Frankly, I am not crazy about the alternatives so an election strikes me as a pointless exercise right now. Trudeau will probably be returned and if not, we likely get O'Toole who has not exactly blown my mind yet.
Not sure O'Toole will ever blow anyone's mind. I think he'll need to frantically backpedal on his Trumpy rhetoric and dogwhistling to the Q crowd if he wants to stay. Maybe try making himself useful in some way.
Then there is the question of truffles being discovered in NB ... consider it a subtle, partisan, underground concern!

My favourite quote, at the end of the article, "Stephen Harper, the former prime minister who appointed Lynn Beyak to the Senate, was unable to be reached for comment other than to express a preference that his name, Stephen Harper, not be continually mentioned every time Lynn Beyak, the senator appointed by Stephen Harper, does something horrible, racist, or illegal, because he does not want their names, Lynn Beyak and Stephen Harper, intrinsically linked forever."

Satire is getting harder and harder to accomplish. Good on The Beaverton!