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Somehow managed to wipe out and slide a whole cement sidewalk square and end up at the feet of the only other person outside in Clive this afternoon. Hands are fine as I had gloves on, but my knees are pretty raw looking
And I still have deliveries tomorrow
Wild week so not sure if I mentioned the insane number of wasps that have decided to hang out around my one compost bin - I would think I have every wasp in Mirror here but others are complaining about the numbers in their yards and downtown they are thick too. Next door neighbour has set out 3 -4 wasp traps every day for the past 3 days and every time they have been FULL of dead wasps and yet there are still mega wasps flying around. Someone in Bashaw told me yesterday that due to the conditions this year, the wasps are nesting under ground. Anyway, my neighbour has given my the Biggest Balls award as I walked right up to the compost bin and looked inside (and I didn't get stung) - closest he gets is 4 feet away and still managed to get stung a couple of times. I just wish they would go somewhere else!
Hmm. Haven't seen that many wasps, at least the yellow jackets and similar hornets, this year but haven't been working out on the deck as much either. Every now and then, one peers in the window at me and just make a face at it. I have seen quite a few of the solitary parasitic wasps but they don't bother me much. Less aggressive and don't usually sting anything that can't be used to feed the kids.
They are really bad all over this year. Not sure why because it was a poor year for produce and fruit