Is honesty the best policy?

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Difficult question. Might have to ask if not telling something is a lie?
Is one dishonest is one is diplomatic?
Does truth always have to be told? Even unasked? ( I am thinking of “ matter of taste”).
The world is not black and white. Truth can heal and truth can hurt.
Honesty might just apply to oneself- be honest to yourself about the motivation you are doing or not doing / saying something.
Imagine being required by law to tell someone they are lacking adequate sense! Is that stupid to tell the truth, and if so, who can you tell?

Profound enigma when you have great leadership that says that nous and I shouldn't know the news ... or we would become Newtonian ... by quanta we feint ... in little bits as martyrs for trumping the thing ... and martyr-ism resembles death wish ... but we don't know that either.

Why don't we know? The reason being if some can get this across as belief ... we succumb to the condition of not knowing the ought's, or ought nots --- CS Lewis in the Reasons we are pained with truth. Might if be that learning is a pain and not acceptable in the search for pleasure?

Some say it takes nothing or an ought to get over and thus defining that mental abyss ... when thoughts were on holiday and the unthinking was having a holiday messing about blindly ... but alas, that is ineffable. Quiet is said to be a crack in the doings of life as a pain and life is an experience with what some will not speak of and allow it to lie there ... deep in the inking's! That's the word defined as a hole in the white medium ... just for giggles and riffs ...

Don't tell for politicians and business directors will not have it ... criticality is no concern for those in position ... because it wouldn't be pleasant ... thus lies there accrue ... virtually unknown because of ... well-you-know, or maybe you don't give the state of autonomous natures of the Moe there ... and few understand Moe either! Flighty like a moth Eire if you discomfit her off spring ... so don't muddy the what Ares ...

Water collects in holes and crevices and possibly is a metaphor forethought having its own crevices ... but these things just lie there as myth because we are told they are folk lore that could cause gatherings as accrued scaring leadership as a though baring expedition ... scattering ensues as in X-ray spectroscopy and other diverse lensing activities that are scientific observations we are declined to speak of ... just because of the form err ... with odour of truth that offends as well stinking science ... mire observation. Don't look Alice ... thus she too took off ... not living here any more Alice Isn't ought but Kohl essence that you sense in a lonely space ... Room?

We can really be screwed by such conflicts in truth ... best be know for the ugly surroundings if she covers well ... that's the dirt as it falls (from where)? You can't see it until outlander, beyond yourself .. and then the determined will say you're out of it (what's unspoken of as elf)!

Cosmos' comedy ... not funny till you are somewhat alien with psyche ... heaven help the alien thinkers ... as they ponder global lies ... like ochre theory ... it burns! OCH mon ... smoking fire pithy?
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Honesty might just apply to oneself- be honest to yourself about the motivation you are doing or not doing / saying something.

Quoted for truth.

Rather than tell a white lie, my usual default temptation is to say nothing. And I never forget that I do not "owe" my "Truth" to any individual or organization. I'm free to offer this truth, but in general, no-one has the right to demand it of me. Maybe it's different in some marriages/relationships; I don't know.
When asked, honesty is usually the bert policy as long as it includes careful use of language and includes no more than necessary.
Zero Sum protocol ... and the stretch to create less word ... thin God? Leads to O, or ohm missions of some resistance ... hollow circles?

Some ayes you look into are like that, camouflaged ... Kohl and somewhat darkened? Then there was Bathsheba a lass of the Knight Rhode ... cranky about the freedoms David and sole am'n took? It may have been a given trap ... long deep hole in ground zero? Awesome spot to be pressurized regarding phlogiston ... a tacky substance like pitch ... the potential it creates in evolution is quantum ... difficult to figure in mortal time ... beyond that outliers!

The stellar are out of here, now ... nuff said?