I am living this scenario, except I didn't wait to be told. It has been my misfortune to inherit a genetic eye disease that has been steadily stealing my vision for many years. Once I was unable to see reliably I stopped driving and relied on my partner for drives as needed. My latest eye test showed sufficient vision impairment that I no longer qualified to have a license.
It is hard, I fight depression daily, I struggle with social activities and finding things to keep me amused. Apparently I truly don't have any friends as no one has offered to take me to an event, no one comes over to share a cup of coffee etc.. The people I called my friends have all died, disappeared into dementia or moved to a larger community that offers Supported Living services.
There has been a lot of grief to process as I reluctantly accepted that my camera was useless to me, that I can no longer read music, sewing is just an exercise in frustration and so on and on. Fortunately I can enlarge text on my computer so I can continue to use it. Regular reading requires large print plus powerful magnifiers. However, I can only select books from the library shelves (that hold lots of Christian romances, regular romances, westerns and popular authors who have very weak vocabularies etc). Yes, some better books are probably available electronically, but I haven't accepted that innovation yet. A tablet isn't a book!
Using a mobility scooter seemed to offer opportunities to get out of the house. That too presented challenges though. Every corner doesn't have a ramp. Some ramps aren't directly across the toad. I found myself 'trapped' on the highway after starting to cross and not being able to see the 'off' ramp! It was more than a bit scary. Unless there is lots of available light there are some vehicles that I can't easily see as they blend in with the road colour. Tricky.
One thing I didn't anticipate was the difficulty I have recognising people. Faces are pretty much a blur. Yesterday someone came to the door - I should have known him but couldn't use his name as I couldn't really see him. He wanted my partner anyway so that worked out ok.
Hope this doesn't sound to 'whiney'!