Your talking Common Grace not Saving Grace ------
God makes it rain on the just and the unjust ------that is Common Grace ------the sun shines on the just and the unjust ---that is common Grace -----every time you open your eyes after sleeping all night that is Common Grace -----
Many unbelievers prosper -----that is Common Grace -----many unbelievers have talents ---that is Common Grace ------
God's Saving Grace is given to people who God opens their hearts and mind to respond to the Gospel ---and receive His Son as their Lord and Saviour ------there is a big difference between Common Grace and Saving Grace -----
The Goodness of God and Common Grace
Common grace, an expression God’s goodness, is every favor short of salvation, which this undeserving and sin-cursed world enjoys at the hand of God.
Common grace, as an expression of the goodness of God, is every favor, falling short of salvation, which this undeserving and sin-cursed world enjoys at the hand of God; this includes the delay of wrath, the mitigation of our sin-natures, natural events that lead to prosperity, and all gifts that human use and enjoy naturally.
While humanity is totally depraved and deserving of God’s wrath, God mercifully postpones his destroying wrath and graciously blesses all men,
even apart from salvation. This is called God’s common grace. Common grace includes all undeserved blessings that natural man receives from the hand of God: rain, sun, prosperity, health, happiness, natural capacities and gifts, sin being restrained from complete dominion, etc. The doctrine of common grace explains how a man can be totally depraved and yet still commit acts that are, in some sense, “good.”
This common grace, however, falls short of salvific grace; all humans still need the saving work of the Spirit to reconcile them to God.