Hardeep Singh Nijjar

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One with keen eye
It seems like journalists pushing have lead to some flip flopping with what was being communicated about this case.
I've tried following it a bit, but over time it hasn't just been short informative articles and throw in all the international politics and history and it's rather long stories.

Now there's conflict between India and Canada.

Has anyone followed all the details? Any major insights?
Anyone agreeing with India that Indian students are at risk in Canada?
I don't think Indian students are any special risk but I think Canada is at great risk of losing some promising talent if we start losing immigration from India because of this. Let's not forget that two of the big American tech companies have Indian CEOs (Sundar Pichai at Alphabet and Satya Nadella at Microsoft) and there's tons of Indian engineers and entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley and in places like Kanata and Waterloo here. If we cut ourself off from the Indian tech scene, we are screwing our tech industry over pretty badly.

I am more than willing to believe in the current Indian regime engaging in illegal extra-territorial action against the Sikhs and other opposition. We already have the precedent of the West ultimately turning a blind eye to the Saudis doing so with that journalist in Turkey. Mohammad bin Salman is basically off the hook now, even though all evidence pointed to him giving the order. And then there's Putin's poisonings of opponents living in exile. And, of course, the Americans aren't always innocents on this front either.

That said, if Trudeau is going to f*** with our relations with another major Commonwealth and G20 member, that intel he's citing better be good and I hope that at least Senate oversight committee that monitors CSIS takes a hard look at it. Public release may be too much to ask, but a House or Senate committee sworn to secrecy should be examining it.

Here's the latest from CBC. Hope no one has travel plans to go to India. They've stopped issuing visas for Canadians.

Regardless of what is stated ... you can bet we know little and understand less of what goes on out of sight in a conflicted sphere!

Thus the dark and underhanded side ... diverse?

Confliction of interest ... is that possible given our vast propensity for cooperation? (perhaps another gaffe ... g æphe as dark, isolated and flighty?)

Dan's Ba'aLs ... role & a bobbin ...
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@Mendalla said: That said, if Trudeau is going to f*** with our relations with another major Commonwealth and G20 member, that intel he's citing better be good.
That's exactly what I've been thinking. I have to admit I don't trust Trudeau's judgement any more!
@Mendalla said: That said, if Trudeau is going to f*** with our relations with another major Commonwealth and G20 member, that intel he's citing better be good.
That's exactly what I've been thinking. I have to admit I don't trust Trudeau's judgement any more!

I don't trust any politician ... since they all eliminate medium for the sense of extremes ... it is contagious and leads to total refurbishment of a failing system ... and is our economy failing unconsciously? Remember thinking is out ... just love what's anon (that's coming, like Hawking's event horizon)! The far shore ...
I think Trudeau needs to tell India who the murderers are and the information they have just to shut the indian govt up.
Quite frankly, how can he not say something, someone came from India and murdered a Canadian citizen without a trial.
I'm amazed that Trudeau doesn't turn this around more forcefully and accuse the Indian govt of trying to tell Canada what it should do about criminal behavior....and quite frankly why would anyone want to go to India if they promote terrorism in other countries?
I personally wouldn't acknowledge Indians govt of having a say in this....if CSIS found something....believe it and prove it, and demand an apology from them or pull the visas their way too.
Quite frankly, how can he not say something, someone came from India and murdered a Canadian citizen without a trial.
If he can't back it up, he needs to be very careful how he says it. Lets be clear, Canada is probably on its own here unless he discloses what we have to the US and UK and they buy it. And that won't be an easy sell. They value India more than they do us right now because they are seeing India as the best bulwark against Chinese dominance in Asia. Absent us producing clear evidence, India is going to win in the game of nations.
I'm amazed that Trudeau doesn't turn this around more forcefully and accuse the Indian govt of trying to tell Canada what it should do about criminal behavior....and quite frankly why would anyone want to go to India if they promote terrorism in other countries?
In fact, this really goes back to Trudeau and Modi having a fight during the G20 over Canada's failure to treat Sikh nationalists as terrorists. Trudeau apparently made it clear to Modi that as long as they don't use or promote violence, they are free to speak out on the creation of Khalistan (the proposed Sikh homeland) in Canada.
If he can't back it up, he needs to be very careful how he says it. Lets be clear, Canada is probably on its own here unless he discloses what we have to the US and UK and they buy it. And that won't be an easy sell. They value India more than they do us right now because they are seeing India as the best bulwark against Chinese dominance in Asia. Absent us producing clear evidence, India is going to win in the game of nations.

In fact, this really goes back to Trudeau and Modi having a fight during the G20 over Canada's failure to treat Sikh nationalists as terrorists. Trudeau apparently made it clear to Modi that as long as they don't use or promote violence, they are free to speak out on the creation of Khalistan (the proposed Sikh homeland) in Canada.
I'm sure Canada has something they need.....we are more powerful than we think.
I'm sure Canada has something they need.....we are more powerful than we think.
Like resources? Not a chance. Too many Canadian jobs and corporate balance sheets depend on trading resources with the US. And USMCA would probably not allow it anyhow. The US is our largest trading partner and knows it. When push comes to shove, we will toe their line. I'm betting on a "diplomatic resolution" down the road that mostly involves Washington telling Ottawa and New Delhi to kiss and make nice or else.
A ministerial friend said today that we need some centrist politicians ... but that would go against the urge for politicians to be extreme and hate mediums!

We must support the economical twist to wring blood out of the little things in life! Such is a goal of the powers ...

The common wealth is just isolated up there! Up-there may be a alien metaphor ... then what would I know about it being cultured to be stupid ...

Be cautious about what goes over the rainbow ...
I wish Trudeau would stop grovelling to India. Is it based on the fact that they are "predicted" to be a superpower by 2037?
Well theyre not now.
Canada ranks #9 in the top ten of richest countries in the world as of Sept. 2023. India isn't even close.
Both India and China have both fallen behind in their technological advancements even more than expected, despite going to the moon.
Canada has been ranked the second best country in the world to live this year. We are the 2nd best country in the world to headquarter a corporation and to start a career.
We have a lot going for us...so before India starts flapping it's mouth about how irrelevant we are, they better look in the mirror. They are no where near a super power now and predictions don't always come true.
So somebody kick Trudeau's ass to stand up for our country and the rest of government needs to stand proud also.
They got away with the Air India thing on our soil, nows the time to pull the proof. IMHO
They got away with the Air India thing on our soil, nows the time to pull the proof.
Um, Air India was the Sikh militants, not the Indian government. The Indian government is wrong to label all Sikh separatists as terrorists, but there are definitely terrorists in the movement. They also assasinated at least one Indian PM (Indira Gandhi).

And right now, the investigation is happening and it now appears that a Five Eyes intelligence partner, possibly the Americans, were the ones who helped us find this. Biden apparently even raised it with Modi while in India for the G20. So I don't think this is going away any time soon. Is there a particular story you are reacting to?
Um, Air India was the Sikh militants, not the Indian government. The Indian government is wrong to label all Sikh separatists as terrorists, but there are definitely terrorists in the movement. They also assasinated at least one Indian PM (Indira Gandhi).
Are they not part of their country to keep under control?
Are they not part of their country to keep under control?
India would argue that's what they are trying to do but they can't control Sikhs in Canada. The Air India bombing was committed by Sikhs here, not in India. So they are our responsibility and, indeed, people were arrested and tried here in Canada for that attack. What India wants, though, is for Canada to apply their rather loose definition of "terrorism" to all Sikhs here. And apparently if we don't, they are will to do it themselves (allegedly).
Terrorism is a belief in fear ... and some auld sage declared that fear was our greatest fear ... within itself as we fear our very being when perhaps if is safer to be not ... as declared by Shakespeare as a free choice: " to be or not!"

Thus many depart in judgement ...
The US has publicly chimed in, although much more cautiously than Trudeau's statement.
Be the death of me; folks who make statements about things little known and mostly unaware because of cultivation being eliminated for reasons of efficiency! This continues and drives vicious, if not hostile actions that are viscous and we cannot escape alive ... so it goes!

In NB there is a rumour going round that the Higgs boson is to call a snap election to escape the tacky efficiency heis created fro RVng! That's a dark party*Siþle ... as a Latin sword in your side ... self destruction? Albeit dark, mysterious and abstract as many have not formed an adequate vision to survive what is approaching because of avarice ... a much supported and stunning activity giving pause to those passive to destruction thereof ...

Image a large collective sol without homo ... nom' nal? The stinking essence will take over ... fowler's thought! Fouled ... consider the weight of the talon ... then tale it so few grasp .. because they don't want to know! The mass of unknown is phenomenal ... near de ment all !
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Material evidence pointed years ago to some prominent Sikhs having a role in the Air India bombing but their prosecution did not happen. Canada seems reluctant to investigate terrorism within the Sikh community or challenge hate actions by the Sikh community. Modi and Hindu nationalism are a problem for India and the world.
Terrorism is not to be criticized as it is the ground level on which we stand according to novelists ... of the Tara and Terre Schemes! It is laid down like tears in the cups ... rapturous? A blunder, boob, or equipment failure by conspiracy? Thus raw exposure of the booty ... Venus goes on in hard expression of hidden resolutions ... the bull was stoned or otherwise caught up in Attica ... like a finch ... flighty comprehension that comes and goes by chance ...

Some great unknown declared that mankind must be put through this churn of thoughts ... to see anything could be milked from a land of sentient lacking ... as blossoming context. Next; the censuring and burning of stuff of intelligence ... it just how value leaves us ... virtue of de funct? (ct some times appear in the symbols as k ... Oh Kay?) Thus cath erne as means of drainage ... rite of passage for the elimination of what; ever ... have you observed ever, or is it too, out there? Double take ... it was taken here and I was taken back by the desires of avarice ...
Well it looks like Canada's Teflon PM (Fabtrump) is done...

I have always been surprised why BC gov't tolerates an actual terrorist group

(and I still remember when BC Premier https://www.cbc.ca/player/play/690266691591 was beaten nearly to death in retaliation for him telling this group again and again to behave themselves...)

The recent referendum has been crazy triggering...the violent images that were everywhere I think were making enough people think of the Ottawa Trouble...

I know enough Sikhs here who think Khalistan is a joke

They voted on Sept 10

(I seethis has also happened at least two other times in the past here)

They even hired a plane with writing behind it

They blocked traffic

Ambulances as well...that pissed enuf people...

Now I see there is anogher vote...Oct 29...same violent imagery....uhaul truck with loudspeaker....

Generally people in the area arent used to this

The Ottawa Trouble would have sent a lot of people here to the asylum lol

So f*** Modi for assassinating a human being

On Our Soil

Violating moral law and international law

And an act of war?

(tho look at how Canada has trouble with DENMARK lol)

Bless US admin for helping some with this

I have also heard two new conspiracy theories: 1. That the India Bombing was done by India govt to weaken Khalistan movement

2. Khalistan movement invented by CIA and India is busy "cleaning up" all this CIA interference...heard this one at a bar with a punjabi "military royalty"...again, i don't believe this guy, somethung was telling me to be careful around this guy...