Great Poem

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Delightful Life

M&M, Cascadian Lovers

My Brother in Christ, Tim, just sent me this wonderful poem

Its called "I Would Like" by Yevgeny Tevtushenko

I believe the link has a vid and the written words

I am in awe

I think this will replace Lennon's Imagine for me
Too much interference on that site ... almost like over Vue ... translate as you shank Oz ... as we have been skewered by mysterious power ... energetic stretch?
I love that. I'm going to use it to open my Tuesday night meeting.
What is that?

And the poem is all the more powerful because Tim is Ukranian and that poet is Russian and Soviet...
Most or my good news on Ukraine comes from him as he is regularly in contact with actual human beings there. There is a lot of good works going on there. It isn't all Hellenshandbasket tho of course that exists as well.
What is that?

And the poem is all the more powerful because Tim is Ukranian and that poet is Russian and Soviet...
Most or my good news on Ukraine comes from him as he is regularly in contact with actual human beings there. There is a lot of good works going on there. It isn't all Hellenshandbasket tho of course that exists as well.

Everything is this basket case sort of item!