Firefox browser users: Please Read This

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Happy headbanging ape!!
There is a bug in the editor (the box where you write your posts and conversations) in the latest update of Xenforo (the software that runs WC2) that affects users of the Firefox web browser. It is triggered by fairly specific circumstances so should not come up often, but I want you to be aware of it since admins on other boards have been discussing it on the Xenforo forums.

The bug:
  1. Create a new post or reply
  2. Type first paragraph and hit RETURN
  3. Type another paragraph.
  4. In first paragraph, highlight some text and click a format (Bold, Italic, Underline, Strikethrough)
  5. The second paragraph will also be changed to the format chosen even though it was not selected

The editor is not programmed by Xenforo, but is a third party product that they license called Froala. Therefore, they are as stuck as we are having to wait for the Froala team to put out a fix. Meanwhile, you can cope by:
  • Changing browser. Apparently any browser other than Firefox is okay.
  • Keep using Firefox and just fix errant formatting when it occurs. A bit of a nuisance but not a big one.
While I was aware of the bug before I did the update, I decided that the long list of fixes in the new update was important enough to live with a relatively minor bug. Do report if you see this happening with browsers other than Firefox.
Xenforo reports Froala should have a fix out this month so it will likely be coming in the next (or next after that) update to Xenforo. I had to fix a couple of my posts recently, largely because I forgot the bug existed.
No fix yet from Froala, but Xenforo decided to do the next best thing: roll back to an old version that didn't have the bug.

So I can underline part of this paragraph without it also underlining the above.

So, all is good (for now) with Firefox.
In religious fiction and abstracts didn't some seer use a fox for torching a message into the fields of view?

In other traditions this may have been Lexus, or Lexci ... in eastern tradition Moe ... who developed into Mobius ... as a puzzling surface ... then there was Dich on the go ... ap lace to put it?