Do Not JEsus serious?

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Thing is, if you are prepared, then you should not need to be worried. Planning and preparing is all about being ready so you don't have to worry.
This makes me think that not to have to worry because you can plan is a privilege. People living from pay cheque to pay cheque can’t prepare and buy in bulk. Taking care of one’s health- dental cleaning for example, is a privilege for people with health insurance. Do people with less money/ security worry more?
Do people with less money/ security worry more?
That's interesting and I would love to see some actual soc or psych research on it because I have heard it said they worry less than the privileged because they have less to lose. But somehow, that seems like a privileged hot take on what they might feel rather than something based on reality.
That's interesting and I would love to see some actual soc or psych research on it because I have heard it said they worry less than the privileged because they have less to lose. But somehow, that seems like a privileged hot take on what they might feel rather than something based on reality.
Ha, just watch Maid on netflix if you need to see why the havenots worry.
And if you drive "only cars that you can pay less than a thousand dollars for", you will spend a lot more time worrying about your car (for damned good reason), than if you can afford to buy new or lease or even new-ish used, all of which require decent incomes and good credit scores, neither available to the have-nots.
That's interesting and I would love to see some actual soc or psych research on it because I have heard it said they worry less than the privileged because they have less to lose. But somehow, that seems like a privileged hot take on what they might feel rather than something based on reality.
I think that the human being in general has an ability for resilience and adaptation which happens when we deal with difficulties. Of course, it all depends on the severity. But people adapt to a certain amount of chronic pain, to health issues, social loss. A certain amount of ” make do”.
And to a certain extent, resilience breeds resilience. My kids are certainly better able to "function poor" than some of their peers who had more affluence growing up.

I was a real whole-wheat, healthy food type mama. I remember one particularly long week near the end of the month when I had to announce that it was egg salad sandwiches all week, because that's what I could afford. Son piped up and said, "if that's the case, we're arguing for white bread to have it on".
Fabulous series. I just watched the last episode tonight
Just started watching it, very well done. Certainly shows how hard it is to get ahead when there's always something to knock you back far anyway.
The one situation where adaptation is not a good thing is when I see women in abusive relationships.

Agreed. But usually, women successfully leave and re-establish themselves. Or, as is sometimes the case, over the very long term, they gain a subtle upper hand.
This is what these Rabbis in the Talmud say about Matthew 6 ----on do not worry

Sotah 48b - Matthew 6:25-34
Sotah 48b


The mishna states that from the time when the Second Temple was destroyed men of faith ceased.

Yitzḥak says: These are people who believe in the Holy One, Blessed be He, and place their trust in Him in all their ways. As it is taught in a baraita:

Rabbi Eliezer the Great says that whoever has bread in his basket to eat today and says: What shall I eat tomorrow, meaning he does not know how he will acquire bread for tomorrow, he is nothing other than from those of little faith. One must trust in God to provide him with his sustenance

Mishnah Kiddushin 4​


Rabbi Shimon ben Elazar says: have you ever seen a wild beast or a bird with a profession? Yet they are sustained without trouble. Now, were they not created only to serve me, while I was created to serve my master: surely then I should make a living without trouble!

Rabbi Judah said: an unmarried man must not tend cattle, nor may two unmarried men sleep together under the same cover. But the sages permit it. One whose business is with women must not be alone with women. And one should not teach his son a woman’s trade.​

Rabbi Meir says: one should always teach his son a clean and easy profession, and pray to Him to whom wealth and property belong. For a profession does not contain [the potential for] poverty and wealth, for poverty is not due to one’s profession nor is wealth due to the profession, but all depends on merit.​

AFAIK Talmud is a Jewish document that comments on Jewish Scripture. It is not a place to look for Rabbinic commentary on Christian Scrpture.

THere are likely places wher Talmudic commentary touches on topics covered in Christian Scripture because there are many common concerns and issues in the two traditions. But it is not commenting on passages from the Gospel.
GordW---you are so right ----my bad -----this is not from the Talmud -----this is from sight ----as seen below ------didn't do my research very good ------thanks for your clarifying post ----

What is intertextualit ---​

Intertextuality is about the relationships between literary texts and how they can be interconnected. This applies to all texts: novels, works of philosophy, religion, newspaper articles, films, songs, paintings, and more. In order to understand intertextuality, it’s crucial to understand this broad definition of the word “text” and that every text is affected by all the texts that came before it.
Additionally is irrational exuberant? Where would the great mystery put such non--sentient beings?

Perhaps somewhere that it could cause economic collapse? I know of some poles in polity that have attempted just that ... thus just criminalization! Some say criminal justice ... if you don't think it thro' both ways ...

Expect profound measures a one gets deep intuit! I'm presently reading Robert Shiller's tome Irrational Exuberance that was obviously ignored by a great mass 've folk! Smear or smirch in a cloud of time ...

I did read it previously in time ... and noted timeless virtue in it ... about how stunned dictators fail to reecognize laboring folk as important to production as the common koine itself ... something of self to know and indeterminate as dictators often stow it offshore ... but home bodies don't know the far side trick ... near intangible if not well understood as deep! ... weird perceptions?
Birds do not worry about food beyond deciding to go looking for it. A little bit of worry that clarifies our need is helpful but it is important to not be dominated by worry.

One helpful process is feeling worried, recognizing our worry, clarifying the worry, creating a strategy to do something about it, then acting. A healthy life leaves only small spaces for worry, using most of our time for productive actions from quiet contemplation through gratitude and information gathering to a variety of physical activities. Once worry has raised acres flag, it needs to be set aside.
Birds do not worry about food beyond deciding to go looking for it. A little bit of worry that clarifies our need is helpful but it is important to not be dominated by worry.

One helpful process is feeling worried, recognizing our worry, clarifying the worry, creating a strategy to do something about it, then acting. A healthy life leaves only small spaces for worry, using most of our time for productive actions from quiet contemplation through gratitude and information gathering to a variety of physical activities. Once worry has raised acres flag, it needs to be set aside.

Would one have to know their's elf as product of a grand void ... extensive abyss? Socrates mentioned that and was bought down ... unprovable negations a the proof went MS ng ...
Birds do not worry about food beyond deciding to go looking for it. A little bit of worry that clarifies our need is helpful but it is important to not be dominated by worry.
I wonder.

We sometime in the last year found a dead flicker in our living room behind a couch. Observation of the room showed several strikes where our feathered friend tried to leave our house. The corpse of the bird had tongue extended suggesting some dehydration and I know that the living room allows a great deal of light and so it gets hot and humid in there.

The dog has a bowl of water in the dining room close to where the Flicker must have come in. Did the bird know it was there and did our pup deter his effort to get a drink?

Did the bird, sensing that its reserves were depleting panic in any way. Was its worry about escaping the uncomfortable living room blind it to the fact that a patio door was open if it just flew a bit further, perched somewhere and considered its circumstance or did it just smack itself one time too many trying to comprehend why it could see a clear path to the trees only to have it dead-end suddenly.

I don't know that it didn't worry.

I just know that whatever it tried wasn't enough for it to escape a heating room to the relief of the forest outside.
One helpful process is feeling worried, recognizing our worry, clarifying the worry, creating a strategy to do something about it, then acting. A healthy life leaves only small spaces for worry, using most of our time for productive actions from quiet contemplation through gratitude and information gathering to a variety of physical activities. Once worry has raised acres flag, it needs to be set aside.
I did not notice that autocorrect changed a red flag to acres flag. A good question, RevJohn about the flicker. I suspect it was too busy trying to get out to take time for worrying.