Happy headbanging ape!!
- Pronouns
- He/Him/His
Up until now, only admins could change a user's name, so you had to send one of us a conversation and wait for us to approve it and make the change. To be honest, I think we've had two, maybe three, name changes in the 6 years we've been running.
With Xenforo 2.2, users will be able change their own names within limits.
For here, I am proposing limiting changes to once a year and the change will go through a moderation process, meaning a mod has to "Approve" the change. That's just to make sure the name doesn't break any rules. Names that include profanity, hate speech, or that are clearly attempts to rip off another user's identity will not be accepted.
Process will be simple. On the Account Details page in your settings, your username will appear with a Change button. Click "Change", enter the new name and a reason for the change (which helps the moderator approving it), and click Save.
With Xenforo 2.2, users will be able change their own names within limits.
For here, I am proposing limiting changes to once a year and the change will go through a moderation process, meaning a mod has to "Approve" the change. That's just to make sure the name doesn't break any rules. Names that include profanity, hate speech, or that are clearly attempts to rip off another user's identity will not be accepted.
Process will be simple. On the Account Details page in your settings, your username will appear with a Change button. Click "Change", enter the new name and a reason for the change (which helps the moderator approving it), and click Save.