Cancer Screening Letters: Colon, Breast, Cervix

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My niece in the UK is feeling more than a little peeved right now. She works in a hospital dealing with patients coming in for a particular test. She got a letter from her doctor who wanted her to get a blood pressure test as she hadn't had one for a year. It was suggested that she buy a monitor and phone in her results. She, bless her, phoned to make an appointment as she is also still waiting for heart tests as well (nearly a year now). The receptionist said her doctor isn't seeing patients at this time because of Covid. My niece asked how he could be a doctor without paients? She is still seeing patients - maybe he should too!
Hmm, I bought the monitor and phoned in results. My doctor is doing virtual appts. I don't mind actually saves me an hour of travel
I'll do virtual appointments for things like discussing medications, renewals, etc. Very happily, although my doctor's office is 10 minutes away.
In part, it keeps you away from potential virus carrying sick folks, or if you are the sickie, the range of immunocompromised folks.
One thing my doctor is not good at is encouraging regular check-ups. So, if you've got someone who tends to be avoidant, like many men, and me, you risk catching stuff (too) late.
Hmm, I bought the monitor and phoned in results. My doctor is doing virtual appts. I don't mind actually saves me an hour of travel
She has been trying to actually SEE and be seen by a doctor for nearly a year. Routine items isn't really a big deal by phone - but her heart problem is. It is another case of confusing protections - her doctor can't see her - but it is considered OK for her to see and talk to doctors daily at the hospital??? Unfortunately they aren't cardiac specialists.
She has been trying to actually SEE and be seen by a doctor for nearly a year. Routine items isn't really a big deal by phone - but her heart problem is. It is another case of confusing protections - her doctor can't see her - but it is considered OK for her to see and talk to doctors daily at the hospital??? Unfortunately they aren't cardiac specialists.
Is he doing telehealth appointments at all? I agree there are times that being seen in person are better but with a heart issue I can't think of much that needs to be done in person with the doctor, listening for a murmur, checking surgery site are what I can think of. Most of the tests aren't done by the doctor. My grandpa had phone appointments even prior to covid.
I do find clinics to be sll over the place. One dermatologist shut down completely for a bit, went to online and was doing in person over the winter. Another stayed in person the whole time, with less space to keep people apart. One of my doctors has been in person no choice for phone and his patients for the most part would fit into very high risk, few capable of coming on their own.
This is purely for routine mammograms. Anything else is handled through your primary care, assuming you have one.

Also, if a routine mammogram is suspect, the radiologist will review and if necessary order an ultrasound and biopsy if that's necessary.
I travelled that road a few years ago. Screening - retake on better machine - ultrasound - biopsy - leading to "It is good".

Mine didn't have that result. But then I was getting the mammo because of a mass.....

Mine went like this:
Tech: I need to consult with the radiologist
Me: That's what I expected
Tech: we're going to do an ultrasound
Ultrasound -
Tech: I need to talk to the radiologist
Me: That's what I expected
Tech: We're going to do a biopsy
Radiologist: it's likely cancer, we'll refer you to the surgeon. That's the normal procedure so don't panic.

And the rest is history