1st Neuralink Brain Implant

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His trials have to be published and submitted to the FDA if he wants approval so there is scrutiny. This is a medical device. He even needed their approval to go to this step (which is mentioned in the article). And they can shut him down if there is a problem, though I know he will grumble loudly on X if that happens.

As for why we know so little about the patient, when that first mechanical heart transplant happened, I think there was less focus on privacy. To put out detailed information on the patient, they need the patient's consent. Even in the publication of the results, the patient will be assigned a number or something, though there will be details of their condition and outcome. So I would argue that's feature, not a bug.
It’s sus. To use medical privacy as an excuse for secrecy about medical experimentation on disabled people (same rationale is provided for not alerting or involving loved ones who might intervene in MAiD cases, to stop deaths - and to classify MAiD deaths as the result of their medical condition - shielding facilitators from scrutiny. There’s historical context that we really need to pay attention to).

It’s supposed to read thoughts accurately enough to translate them into words - ‘supposedly’ to help people who can’t speak or otherwise express themselves. That could go really wrong. He’s the wrong guy to be in charge of something like that, certainly. I’m not sure it should be done at all - the device itself could be a deep invasion of privacy - but he definitely shouldn’t be in control. I don’t think his motive is to help humanity (maybe only a few super rich ones - but mostly it’s all about him I think). Unfortunately there are people who revere him.

Details about the patient could be discussed without identifying who they are. I don’t think that’s a good excuse.

It’s unfortunate that he’s used his genius to try to become a diabolical overlord. (And shitlord https://www.dictionary.com/e/slang/s**tlord/#)

Haha the bad language controls set here are preventing me from posting a dictionary definition. You see that’s the kind of restriction on speech that is actually silly if you don’t mind me saying so. Everyone has heard the word “s**t” and has probably said it at least once - even those who are the most pious and proper. It’s not a big deal. It harms no one to use a slang word for excrement that everyone naturally produces.
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From dictionary.com

Shitlord is slang for an internet troll who posts shocking and often bigoted content for the purpose of provoking a reaction, especially from left-leaning social justice advocates. Some shitlords ironically embrace the term.

The term can also refer to an expert in memes and meme culture, or it can function as a vulgar insult more generally.

(I’d say it’s a new term for propagandist - especially alt-right propagandist. Musk bought one of the biggest shitposting platforms there is, to play around while controlling the narrative)
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From Green Day’s satirical shadow band (not shadow banned lol) called The Network (it’s the drummer, “Tre Cool” singing) :

I digress. I thought I’d protest with a bit of humour, myself.
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The raising of emotions in irrational fishing organizations has a purpose ... that is to reduce thinking and intelligence to bottom line conditions so the top half/have can be dominant until the ass falls out of the chit factory ... and no one was intelligent enough to know ...

Thus the regime that presented in the regimentation to be at least half Kohl ... and mysterious? Black is always questionable ... ask the ghouls! They were once related to djinns and gargoyles ... primarily to retain fear in society so they couldn't learn well. That's the story (or myth) and I'm sticking to it because authority hates collectives and social order ... and you never knw what's under a dark lid that causes determination to flutter ... thus ghights and g'nights before the daze ... and periodic times for waking for those not AH WOKE! All we need to know is stored in a abysm AL word that's massive ... and beyond normal ... kind 've up there tormenting the high enthusiasms so they are not excessively secure even if they act that way ... they remain in the dark also ...

No one concerns themselves with lyric any more ... just rants, rages and rackets! All started with a Canon Aided with swabs ... to get the blood off the decks ... the dear earth is a slaughterhouse ... messing with angels initiates conflict ... some chips on the shoulders are unbalanced!

Did I say that chitz and chips we equivalent on the savanna? All shall be consumed by the turf they command ... if you let it go the turf and all fly ... expect clods! Many arrive that way ... just lumps ... life is an experience ... no space, only lumps!

Always some one in the background saying to put the lid down ... Khan it!
Musk has had his Neuralink brain implant approved by the FDA and now the first patient has received one. Seems he has his hands on a lot of everything lately.
How does everyone feel about this?
Is he spreading himself too thin lately or involved in too much IYO?
Is it ethical?
I am trying to be very skeptical aboot this
Until I get outside verification of this alleged event...
Musk has lied/bent the truth before
Outside or pha roue travels will be discouraged as the powers few it might get bigger than them ... so psyche put the fear of love in to Cupid ... that comes up after groundhog day ... on the fringe of future times ... thou wilt be embraced ... by embrasure ... the roast is on as it was in the ancient temple as you smelled the Ste Wing ... a one winger? Thus the collapse ... and like seed out of the erable tree ... they too spin ... more recently these were sick a' mores ...
The awful thing about this is that every mind might be duplicated; some shouldn't be.

There is only so much room for such things ... and then they over run what was an established better idea; without adequate concern and consideration of the consequence. Many believe there are no consequences to anything and thus all activities are unrelated ... I know of people that believed Einstein was crazy because of relativity! Then I also know of folk that believed the moon ladings were filmed in the moon scape of NFLD! Ode 's tuff ... but I am not allowed to speak about it because of vast denial and elimination of strange information ... alien matter? Just unacceptable ... thus sticking points! Urchin-ism ...
The awful thing about this is that every mind might be duplicated; some shouldn't be.
I am against mind duping myself

I would categorize that as an evil act?

Because what would happen with the dupe?

It would be sentient and conscious?

Therefore with all the rights etc of a human being

Reminds me of some of the episodes of Black Mirror

There is one where a woman wakes up in a white space, not knowing where she is...she discovers she is a dupe of a real person whose sole existence is to be a kind of virtual assistant...she tries to say no so the owner can do things like advance time...eventually he advances time by a month so she breaks and gives in

Good series of What If of the near future

A fair # of them can be seen for free on youtube

Of course the fear of Neuralink is it will become generally accepted and then, what with digital programmable currency, global surveillance, even our thoughts will be monitored...

I do hope humanity doesn't go down that route...and I can see it happening for Good Intentions...

Ahriman continues their influence...
Premiered 3 hours ago. Enjoy this inspiring and thoughtful conversation.

Noland is a spiritual man and has an incredible outlook not only in regards to his own situation, but with the world at large and the future of humanity.

Will we all follow without question of how avarice took over? The abstract took off as unreal ... pure fantasy!