It’s sus. To use medical privacy as an excuse for secrecy about medical experimentation on disabled people (same rationale is provided for not alerting or involving loved ones who might intervene in MAiD cases, to stop deaths - and to classify MAiD deaths as the result of their medical condition - shielding facilitators from scrutiny. There’s historical context that we really need to pay attention to).His trials have to be published and submitted to the FDA if he wants approval so there is scrutiny. This is a medical device. He even needed their approval to go to this step (which is mentioned in the article). And they can shut him down if there is a problem, though I know he will grumble loudly on X if that happens.
As for why we know so little about the patient, when that first mechanical heart transplant happened, I think there was less focus on privacy. To put out detailed information on the patient, they need the patient's consent. Even in the publication of the results, the patient will be assigned a number or something, though there will be details of their condition and outcome. So I would argue that's feature, not a bug.
It’s supposed to read thoughts accurately enough to translate them into words - ‘supposedly’ to help people who can’t speak or otherwise express themselves. That could go really wrong. He’s the wrong guy to be in charge of something like that, certainly. I’m not sure it should be done at all - the device itself could be a deep invasion of privacy - but he definitely shouldn’t be in control. I don’t think his motive is to help humanity (maybe only a few super rich ones - but mostly it’s all about him I think). Unfortunately there are people who revere him.
Details about the patient could be discussed without identifying who they are. I don’t think that’s a good excuse.
It’s unfortunate that he’s used his genius to try to become a diabolical overlord. (And shitlord**tlord/#)
Haha the bad language controls set here are preventing me from posting a dictionary definition. You see that’s the kind of restriction on speech that is actually silly if you don’t mind me saying so. Everyone has heard the word “s**t” and has probably said it at least once - even those who are the most pious and proper. It’s not a big deal. It harms no one to use a slang word for excrement that everyone naturally produces.
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