Tuesday Morning From Where the Sun First Rises

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Well-Known Member
My Saturday began with the first warning signs of some kind of virus which I waved off because I was entered in a Hot Pepper eating contest by my daughter. I am convinced I could have done better had it not been for a clearly already wonky stomach still, 15 habaneros in 15 minutes is nothing to sneeze at (really, you don't want to sneeze with that many Habaneros having gone down the gullet--trust me). I pulled out feeling the warning signs of mass evacuation beginning to build.

I'll spare you what comes next because while the colours were pretty the experience was not.

And the bug made itself known in the gut and decided to exit via the backdoor so...not a restful or relaxing weekend in any way. I had enough strength in me for worship where I quarantined myself from everyone and let them know why I was being so distant today. I went straight home afterwards, fellowshipping with none and collapsed into my bed.

Which meant that on Monday morning I only had a stomachache and headache to contend with the feverish joint pain had broken and I could look forward to the election.

Pretty sure this is not the image many come up with when they hear people talk about how blessed they are.

St. John's East, the electoral riding I now reside in, flipped back to the NDP. I knew that much before I called it a night. Jack Harris our New MP was the incumbent who lost in 2015. Jack has been a hard worker on the ground and is respected. Nick Whalen our ousted Liberal also worked hard for the district and was gracious in defeat. The sun rose magnificently so I guess that the world continues to spin on its axis as it revolves around the sun. Nothing cataclysmic must have happened.

Despite what I am reading on Facebook.
Every Dei starts with a sort of brilliance ... till smudged with in human darkness of sol!

Learning about the sol is a singular pain ... perhaps a window on heaven from the opposing side ... depending on how deep you are into the economics! Some say that word is marketable! Spreadsheets wait for some scheme to be laid out, or lied about ...