Share Your Zany Stories

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Well-Known Member
We played this game back at the old WC, so I think it's old enough to be new again. @Mendalla has checked the site and said it looked safe, so hit the link, pick stories to share and fill in the blanks. Read your story and share ( if you dare) by copying and pasting it to here. You can do it as many times as you like.
Oh, put your coffee down.

My 2nd Evil Plan to Take Over the World ad-Lib
I am Dr. ghastly. I am destined to organize the hardware. Unfortunately, the hardware is full of a bunch of normal berries that do not agree. I am sad to say that the kite Buster did not trigger the huge Whitsuntide as I planned for it to do. Instead, all it did was skip some grippers. So this is my new young plan to take over the hardware:

Using my unlimited source of boxes I inherited from my dogs I will build the largest tire in the hardware. I will then send it up into space aboard a truck. It will be fully horrible and operable from a tidy control. With it I will threaten to cover all the trees owned by Walmart unless the hardware bows before me. If they do not avoid me, I will turn my tire upon the shovel islands and cover the entire thing. Then they will fly in their bathtubs and I will be the most powerful taxi in the hardware!