OMGWTFBBQ! The Pope changed the Lord's Prayer!!!!

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"Francis also approved changes to The Gloria from “Peace on earth to people of good will” to “Peace on Earth to people beloved by God.”"

Not sure he got this part right. Sounds too exclusionary to me. Even people without good will should hope for peace too. Isn't everyone beloved by God?
"Francis also approved changes to The Gloria from “Peace on earth to people of good will” to “Peace on Earth to people beloved by God.”"

Not sure he got this part right. Sounds too exclusionary to me. Even people without good will should hope for peace too. Isn't everyone beloved by God?
Unless he stresses - which I think he has - that everyone is beloved by God.
Never liked that part of the Lords prayer. Took him a while to change it, but what else does he have to do?
When I saw the headline, I thought he changed it to “ our Father and Mother”

ThAt would be too radical, even for him. Then he might have to seriously consider women as priests and God knows where that might lead?:eek::unsure::D
Never liked that part of the Lords prayer. Took him a while to change it, but what else does he have to do?
When I saw the headline, I thought he changed it to “ our Father and Mother”

There are indeed many translations around. The issue with the current changes is that they were done solely by the Roman Catholic Church, without consultation with ecumenical "partners". There is no official agreement or requirement in Anglican or United Church circles to use the newer version. So instead of having one or two versions for each language, we now have one more, and technically, at ecumenical services, you will have people using different versions of the Lord's Prayer.

I had read that one about the official change to the English version about 1 or 2 years ago, as it was implemented by the U.S. Roman Catholic church on Advent One 2016 or 2017 (I think it's the latter). The French version was updated on Advent One 2017 (Europe) or 2018 (Canada) and quite frankly I don't find the new French translation serves French adequately.

In English, according to the referenced text, they changed "lead us not into temptation" to "do not let us fall into temptation". In the Anglican Book of Alternative Services, the modern version uses "Save us from the time of trial" which I find a bit wishy washy.

The French version used to have "Ne nous soumets pas à la tentation" which became "Ne nous laisse pas entrer en tentation". I would quite frankly have preferred "Ne nous laisse pas succomber à la tentation". Why? God is not the one who tempts us, but at least in Québec speach, the newer version calls of entering a "state of temptation" rather than asking for help to resist adverse pressures.

As for the first sentence, I don't like "Our Father and Mother", as there is only one "parent", not two. The challenge would be to find some non-gender-specific way to address the Lord. What could be use?
– Our Father or Mother in heaven?
– Our Parent in heaven? A bit too impersonal
– Our Creator in heaven, or Our God in heaven? The original intent is that God the Father or Mother should be as close to us as our earthly father or mother. Not sure that "God in heaven" implies that.
So instead of having one or two versions for each language, we now have one more

And that's assuming people stick to the "official" translations. There are plenty of alternative translations and paraphrases of the Lord's Prayer around, some of which are in use, at least occasionally, in individual congregations. I'll bet there are a lot more "Lord's Prayers" in English than one or two.
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We use the prayer of Jesus about once a month, sometimes the traditional variation (about twice a year), often sung.

My fav paraphrase is VU 916, the Jim Cotter version.
As for the first sentence, I don't like "Our Father and Mother", as there is only one "parent", not two. Said Maganolov ...

For those on the one track this may cause a pariah ... maybe non as it is so indecisive and a put down when tempted by natural beauty to get right into it ... thus dissociated natural passions? Anti socialism prevents one from intelligent get togethers?

During conversation and discourse can one collapse? Thus it goes as word of great art escapes us ... as great art thus wends its way ... how much greater can it expand to? The House of Eris Cis ... Son, thus the Don ...

Counters the trans in X form ... kind've out there as projected images may have bonding effects ... XL ... or just intervening ...