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In the commissions that concern corporate interest ... what is this curse called equality?

Thus the pious tarnishing of the golden thing ... tis a hard and terminal lesson ...

Terminal? When you are blind to consequences ... and circumstantial evidence that goes about!

Sort of out-there attribute ...
One of the challenges is building regulations on reserves which resulted in homes being built without the kind of water requirements that are covered through permits and inspections for those who live off reserve. So, things like wells, septic tanks, plumbing, and so on. This changed in the last 10 or so years; however, takes time.
Combine it with rural properties, so no easy hookups.
Then combine it with clay .

I have listened to folks involved and have heard the complexity of the situation. Thankfully progress is being made.

Rita, I think you will appreciate that not everyone wants the kind of controls that are put in neighbouring communities, with government inspections and rules.