Let the countdown begin!!!!

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I have just concocted a hot toddy to ease me into sleep. I will be gone soon as well. Goodbye, LAST place, for the LAST time in 2019.

I'm thinking that the appearance of Bethanne here convinced me that I was actually in the Last Post thread... Happy New Year everyone. And because Gaiman says it better than anyone:

May your coming year be filled with magic and dreams and good madness. I hope you read some fine books and kiss someone who thinks you're wonderful, and don't forget to make some art -- write or draw or build or sing or live as only you can.
Gaiman says it better than anyone

Gaiman always says it better than anyone. I am detecting Gaiman influences in my writing but know there's not a hope in hell of me achieving his calibre.

Anyhow, welcome to 2020! Wish my vision matched the year.:nerd:
Happy New Year Everyone.....one of the few times I have made a New Years Resolutiion.....NO REGRETS and learn from everything.

Imagine everything as God ... wouldn't that be a convoluted mixup? Some authorities state we shouldn't know that and cultivate God fear for the wrong personality development ... thus Ide goes ...

May be a dunking or whetting experience ...