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Welcome to Wondercafe2!

A community where we discuss, share, and have some fun together. Join today and become a part of it!

I wish to thank the members of the Academy, my castmates, my wonderful director, and a being who may or may not vaguely resemble something that some might refer to as being kind of like a God.
Thus Eris ess up ... a casper to applaud! Ghost of quandam ... an aspiration of something we don't know ... its best (to not know)!

NU ME ness as expressed by many leaders ...
Arrest and contemplate the contrary sIde ...

We are christian edificices couldn't flip ... could we? Thus considerable humping ...
I just spent the day with my nose in a book, right to the last page. I quite enjoyed it. I would not have read it if it hadn't been written by a former coworker. It took a turn along the way that kept me reading.

Now maybe I need to do a few things around here.
I just spent the day with my nose in a book, right to the last page. I quite enjoyed it. I would not have read it if it hadn't been written by a former coworker. It took a turn along the way that kept me reading.

Now maybe I need to do a few things around here.
Why ruin a good day by doing something ;)
Life is going to have to wait till Manana as sis and I have a meeting with the lawyer to sign more forms