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I hope you sleep @KayTheCurler. You have a great message to give. Health care professionals need to hear from "consumers". Break a leg. (((((((Kay)))))))

It wasn't nearly as scary as I feared. I was assured that they already know there are problems and they are trying to figure out the best ways to fix them. Basically they are attempting to find the Best Practices for serving patient needs in the most affordable way. This was their first meeting and included all the departments that deal with people with one of my diseases in this area. Other meetings will address other diseases.

I learned lots. Who knew that I had a right to politely complain to a Quality of Care person? They were impressed that I pointed out the negative effects on my health that come from services I can't access (don't qualify) - not even if the need is worsening my health! Decision - they will either change the criteria or come up with a list of qualified local people/businesses who patients can pay to fix their problem. This would cover such things as foot care for patients who can't cut their toe nails and don't have anyone to do it for them (not many but they DO need the help).

This province has put all the health care under one authority instead of a variety of regions and there is quite a bit of confusion. However, there are also advantages. One region has spent time creating information for patients with this disease and were happy to tell this region that they could use it or adapt for local use.

They asked for permission to quote my words about access to suitable exercise. I said "I feel a mix of frustration and anger when ALL levels of government spend tax dollars on advertising telling me I should exercise. Federal, provincial and local government all do this. However, NONE of them seem to put money into providing a way I can exercise in a positive, friendly environment during the winter. In the summer I can walk outside. Now though the streets are treacherously icy. I also have osteoporosis and have no desire to break another bone. If it is a hip it would be devastating. I NEED an indoor facility and a programme that is suitable for people with various of health problems. Stretching, some yoga poses, Tai Chi, stretchy band strengthening and moving to music are suitable activities for those with heart/lung/aging/MS/ arthritis can be done standing, seated, holding a walker!"

I hope the group of professionals are successful!
It wasn't nearly as scary as I feared. I was assured that they already know there are problems and they are trying to figure out the best ways to fix them. Basically they are attempting to find the Best Practices for serving patient needs in the most affordable way. This was their first meeting and included all the departments that deal with people with one of my diseases in this area. Other meetings will address other diseases.

I learned lots. Who knew that I had a right to politely complain to a Quality of Care person? They were impressed that I pointed out the negative effects on my health that come from services I can't access (don't qualify) - not even if the need is worsening my health! Decision - they will either change the criteria or come up with a list of qualified local people/businesses who patients can pay to fix their problem. This would cover such things as foot care for patients who can't cut their toe nails and don't have anyone to do it for them (not many but they DO need the help).

This province has put all the health care under one authority instead of a variety of regions and there is quite a bit of confusion. However, there are also advantages. One region has spent time creating information for patients with this disease and were happy to tell this region that they could use it or adapt for local use.

They asked for permission to quote my words about access to suitable exercise. I said "I feel a mix of frustration and anger when ALL levels of government spend tax dollars on advertising telling me I should exercise. Federal, provincial and local government all do this. However, NONE of them seem to put money into providing a way I can exercise in a positive, friendly environment during the winter. In the summer I can walk outside. Now though the streets are treacherously icy. I also have osteoporosis and have no desire to break another bone. If it is a hip it would be devastating. I NEED an indoor facility and a programme that is suitable for people with various of health problems. Stretching, some yoga poses, Tai Chi, stretchy band strengthening and moving to music are suitable activities for those with heart/lung/aging/MS/ arthritis can be done standing, seated, holding a walker!"

I hope the group of professionals are successful!
glad it went well! Senior foot care is something that is lacking in this area unless you are in a larger centre as Home Care no longer does it.
LAST as I drink a glass of wine and heat up some mussels in wine sauce (pre-cooked package) for supper...also waiting for an ad to download
glad it went well! Senior foot care is something that is lacking in this area unless you are in a larger centre as Home Care no longer does it.

Home Care does it here but apparently have some rules about who can get it. The plan is to address this communication problem - and others.
Home Care does it here but apparently have some rules about who can get it. The plan is to address this communication problem - and others.
I'm glad we're not dealing with mom and Home Care right now as the threat is (following the AB Govt cuts) that the rural areas would get massively Home Care.

One year ago this weekend mom fell and broke her hip...where did the year go?