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Looks great. Might try that today - minus the cheese and what appears to be caramel. Today's a fasting day for me.

I only see apples, cheese, and cashews. The cheese is quite dark on places so that's probably your caramel. I would happily eat these any time.

And :ninja: by the cool herself.:giggle:
I only see apples, cheese, and cashews. The cheese is quite dark on places so that's probably your caramel. I would happily eat these any time.
I still have a milk crate full of apples so I can ;) but need to buy more cheese as I used it up tonight...I also may use different nuts
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This was Cheez Whiz as there was a tiny bit left - which gave it a nice creamy texture - but I usually used grated aged Cheddar...have used mozzarella before, and Parmesan
Thus far in Korea, I've yet to find aged cheddar. All the cheese I have found has been quite mild. I love aged cheddar and really miss it. There are some Canadian foods I get real cravings for, and aged cheddar is one of them. Lately, I've been craving cold cut sandwiches - we used to get fresh meats and buns from a local bakery and we'd make sammies with the cuts plus cheese then microwave them.
Thus far in Korea, I've yet to find aged cheddar. All the cheese I have found has been quite mild. I love aged cheddar and really miss it. There are some Canadian foods I get real cravings for, and aged cheddar is one of them. Lately, I've been craving cold cut sandwiches - we used to get fresh meats and buns from a local bakery and we'd make sammies with the cuts plus cheese then microwave them.
I haven't had cold cuts for ages
With the weather so erratic, could we label the environment more pernickety that any scheming could have conspired the plot ... even the greatest of trumpeting how vast their knowledge of God is ... considering the mystery of all that we don;t know or displaced in support of emotional responses?

Does this make somewhat pernicious and prone to looking pale in the camera?

having a harmful effect, especially in a gradual or subtle way.​
There are individuals that do not hold subtlety that "lo" and below the horizon ... but it undermines understanding of beefy jerks ... they fly like Puck in the literature ... cow Paddy if you can't afford the rubber hitting the road ... and we question why powered authority flys on the public (common) koine ...

Some can't see it due to blind fates ...
Peachy political positions also have some fuzzy areas entangled in the great turning! Such is circular thinking vs straight line thievery in the shadows.

One may have to get into the dark pool to envision the potential doings! Thus the methods of Atticus Finch ... birding? Expect raven and ravings! The tyrants will dance about exposure ...

Recall the writ when determining how to say it ... altruism is not that popular ... in the resumings. Check all strings in the detail ...
Use caution in exposition ... as the exposure of criminal underpinnings may be nationally destructive.

Thus it all goes to peaces is the expression! It augurs well for the pixels and boson ... all blown to partisan effect and underground of being ... subtle knowings?

Nitpicking as per nickety ... Nische?