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Haven't seen any skunks recently but, man, sure smelled one last night a bedtime. Must have let loose nearby because the fumes got sucked in through our AC. Yes, we finally turned it on. London has actually been getting some summer the last couple days.
Summer is here...awake early so opened the necessary windows and doors so the house isn't an oven later.

Was asked by the local salon owner - same one who wants the knitted fingerless gloves - to teach a women's empowerment workshop in her salon - we were brainstorming and tossing ideas around yesterday
Citrus essential oil around the base of the compost bin didn't work - in fact, the skunk dug even more than before :(
Citrus essential oil around the base of the compost bin didn't work - in fact, the skunk dug even more than before :(
Back in the day, when we put out garbage out in green plastic bags, we had trouble with skunks getting into the bags. Someone suggested a capful of ammonia in the bag before closing it might help. It did. Maybe if you try putting some of that around the compost pile?
Back in the day, when we put out garbage out in green plastic bags, we had trouble with skunks getting into the bags. Someone suggested a capful of ammonia in the bag before closing it might help. It did. Maybe if you try putting some of that around the compost pile?
Yes, I'm looking for some ammonia - should be a bit in this house, I do know that mothballs did nothing to repel the skunks
Lazy day here. I'm getting good at this lazy thing. I feel pretty decent today. I won't be going on any ten mile hikes or anything. Reading, knitting, maybe napping are on my agenda.
There have been skunks spraying around this end of the block all day - which means something is setting them off and that there is more than just the one digging in my compost bin.
There have been skunks spraying around this end of the block all day - which means something is setting them off and that there is more than just the one digging in my compost bin.

Any dogs or cats running loose? Or natural predators like coyotes?
The Blackfoot (?) believe that the smell of the skunk from the west is a very good omen...guess that means I have a lot of good coming.

Happy Canada Day!
Don't forget that skunks are not the only skunk-y smell around these days. Great Jazz Festival weekend; also, LAST.