Why Some People Hate Cops (An Ex-Con Explains)

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Youtuber David Wood, now a Christian, has spent in prison. He’s a felon.

I remember my lawyer father saying that clients told him that some prison guards were sadists. This is worth watching.

Thank you for posting this @EasternOrthodox . I did watch the whole thing and found it worthwhile. He is articulate and restrained (given his experiences). I like how he doesn't just go off on ALL cops. He has taken much effort to differentiate the types and to throw his support behind those who are just trying to do their best. Lots of good, concrete, suggestions for change. He know's whereof he speaks. Enjoyed (if that's the right word), and I feel I learned a fair bit watching this.
Thank you for posting this @EasternOrthodox . I did watch the whole thing and found it worthwhile. He is articulate and restrained (given his experiences). I like how he doesn't just go off on ALL cops. He has taken much effort to differentiate the types and to throw his support behind those who are just trying to do their best. Lots of good, concrete, suggestions for change. He know's whereof he speaks. Enjoyed (if that's the right word), and I feel I learned a fair bit watching this.
I learned something too. I like how he explained how the killing of George Floyd could become such a flash point, without blaming people as groups.
I think that a similar typology would apply to people in healthcare. Or maybe people in any profession that comes with a certain amount of power over people. Now, it is easier to sue or go to a professional association to complain, but that also isn’t always effective. And people who are not that educated or don’t have resources are less likely to do so.
I think that a similar typology would apply to people in healthcare. Or maybe people in any profession that comes with a certain amount of power over people. Now, it is easier to sue or go to a professional association to complain, but that also isn’t always effective. And people who are not that educated or don’t have resources are less likely to do so.
Yes, I think those rather nasty types are in many places. But I didn’t realize how much power guards & cops have over their charges. I didn’t know there was nowhere to turn.
Yes, I think those rather nasty types are in many places. But I didn’t realize how much power guards & cops have over their charges. I didn’t know there was nowhere to turn.
"I didn't know there was nowhere to turn.." That tells the story, doesn't it? Few people who are white really have that constant knowledge.